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Lovin’ The Journey

Lovin’ The Journey - Get a plan.... By Mark Holloway

Springtime is my favorite season. If you’re not from here, fall is probably yours. In the early years of our business, winters were hard. Folks who come here in droves from spring to autumn, and there are lots, miss most of the winter months. Covid has meant many folks have hidden out in their mountain homes. That’s quite simply, a smart move.

We are so very thankful to live here, away from city crowds. If I lived somewhere else and had a home here, you’re darn tootin’ I would escape here as well. But typically winters are much quieter here. Folks who track these types of things, say our area population triples during the ‘tourist’ season.

So winters can be challenging. Less people. Less action. Less work. Things are quite different for us now than in 2007 and 2008. God has so blessed us with such an amazing client list. We work steady through the winter and our company helps to keep bread on a number of other tables.

But the lean times make you appreciate the fat times. And so, I love springtime. The hint of springtime means winter is passed. The cold nap is about over and more prosperous days are around the corner. I am a trail junkie. Running, hiking and riding through the wild is my drug. Winters don’t keep me indoors. We ride our mountain bikes at night with mega bright lights to illuminate our way. Winter doesn’t slow me down. It’s just more challenging to make a living, and keep a crew busy. But my supply has never been about me and what I can provide for my household. My budget has always been about daily bread. You’re not a beggar by asking for daily bread. In fact, Jesus tells us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” I’m in a dangerous place when I become self reliant. I can look around at my stuff and full cabinets and get proud and arrogant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against hard work. Paul of the Bible even says, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” I just can’t risk thinking I am the source and supply of what I need. I am not. The headwaters of my abundance will surely run dry if I get cocky, prideful or worse, entitled. Seeing buds on the trees is exciting. Inside each one is a tiny leaf rolled up and growing, unseen potential ready to unfold and capture the goodness from the sun and provide life to the tree which hosts it. Spring is about promise. Spring is about new life. Spring is about new trails, new adventures, new hope, new challenges and more ‘Ws” in the win column. There is something so alluring about spring. The forest releases a fragrance of good things to come. The smells of a new season invite me to wander.

Soon, my fiends who ride bikes will gather. We’ll pick our routes, saddle up and go. This spring is waiting on your plan. If you don’t have a plan, get one quick. Spring is like NASCAR when all the drivers are all mashed up together, engines roaring and revving...waiting for the race to start.

A new season is upon us. Make a list of all the reasons hindering you from embracing spring. Then systematically dismantle each excuse, like taking down old rusty scaffolding piece by piece. Then, you’ll be ready... ready to take on all the promises this season is setting before you. Get up. Rev up. Capture your moment. Seize your day. See you on the trail.

Mark and his wife, Carol, are the owners of Fresh Start, a company dedicated to stewarding the property and homes of their clients. They aspire to be your eyes, ears and hands while you are away, and your resource for anything you need, whether you are a full or part time resident of the area. Mark can be reached by calling 706-490-7060.