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C F On e Overrated Nature of Superhero Films

trilogies are commonplace in superhero films so studios can milk the most money possible out of a single character. Obviously, studios wouldn’t want to kill off characters that are bringing in money. e lack of immersion often seen in superhero movies completely ruins the experience adding to the exaggerated value of these movies.

Another sign that superhero movies are overrated is the fact that despite their popularity and large budgets, they often don’t win many awards. For example, Endgame, the highest-grossing movie of all time had one Oscar nomination for visual effects; while Avatar, the previous highest-grossing movie won three Oscars, and had six other nominations. is difference clearly indicates that superhero movies don’t meet the hype. ere is nothing particularly unique or distinctive about superhero movies that really set them apart from other movies. e lack of awards demonstrates the overrated nature of superhero movies.


Some may say that superhero movies are not overrated as so many people watch them, so they have to be good. e reason so many people watch superhero movies is because of their accessibility. e whole family can go out and watch a superhero film. Even kids can watch without fearing the movie to be as childish as an animated movie. Many things that are considered overrated are beloved by many. Superhero movies are still overrated as they do not deserve the prestige that is often associated with them due to their repetitive and unoriginal nature. is bandwagon fallacy is clear—just because a lot of people enjoy these movies, does not make them exemplary. e modern superhero movie is formulaic and unoriginal, resulting in the most overrated genre in the movie industry today. Film is a type of art and superhero movies lack all defining qualities of art. Companies keep creating cookie-cutter superhero movies to make as much money as possible which is justification for more to be made. So next time you go to the theatre to watch the latest and greatest superhero movie consider watching something more unique.

On Tim Kreider’s “ e ‘Busy’ Trap”


M B

Tim Kreider introduces the idea that Americans live such busy lives that when we do stop and think about our lives, we feel empty and feel like we need to be doing something productive. We surround ourselves with a busy lifestyle so we don’t have to face reality and realize that we spend most of our time focusing on jobs and money. One point that stood out to me in Kreider’s essay was one of his friends who moved away from the city to escape the crazy lifestyle that Americans live. It took her moving to France to realize how stressful her life was in America because some Americans hold themselves to impossibly high standards. People sacrifice their free time to the point that our family lives are beginning to suffer; every day, people become more and more connected to the ideas of success and materialism and constantly going and being busy is the reason for this. I agree with Kreider that society today focuses greatly on being number one and the only way to achieve this is by putting in massive amounts of work. ere is nothing wrong with having a

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