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Entry to Timbertop


For most students, there is no entrance examination to Year 9 at Geelong Grammar School. Students for whom there is a place are admitted, provided that they are considered likely to benefit from the School’s offering. Places are offered on the understanding that the student will continue their education at Geelong Grammar School through to Year 12 at the Corio Campus. Geelong Grammar School has always prided itself on taking students of all abilities and from a wide range of backgrounds.

As part of the admissions procedure, incoming students must provide reports from Years 7 and 8 and their NAPLAN results from their previous schools. They will also have an in-depth personal interview with the Admissions Manager or delegate. When offering students a place into Timbertop, the School undertakes a rigorous and balanced process that considers a range of criteria, including the suitability of the child to board, siblings currently attending the School, intention to continue through to Senior School, interests and activities of the child, family association with the School, date of application as well as the needs of the current Year 8 cohort. Health and safety factors are also considered with respect to the student’s ability to thrive in the extreme boarding environment of Timbertop and the social, physical and emotional demands that the programme brings.

Students whose first language is not English are required to sit an entrance examination testing their English and mathematical skills in order to assess how appropriate a Geelong Grammar School education at Year 9 level is for them. As a result of this test, students may be required to complete an ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) course.

All students beginning at Geelong Grammar School at Year 9 will be tested shortly after arrival to help the School to make informed decisions about their academic needs. Parents of all students beginning at Geelong Grammar School are asked to complete a questionnaire that enables the School to understand more fully the educational and family background of students coming into its care. Thoughtful completion of the questionnaire assists the School greatly in providing an adequate programme for your child.

Scholarships for entry to Geelong Grammar School are offered each year. More information can be found on our website www.ggs.vic.edu.au. Families should attend a designated Timbertop Guided Tour Day. There is also an information evening at the Corio Campus in Term 3 that students and their families may wish to attend in the year prior to entry to Timbertop.

Further details are available from the Admissions Office at Geelong Grammar School, Corio Campus, Tel: +61 3 5273 9307.