1 minute read



In the Stewkley Grapevine, the disturbing news that Thames Water had been polluting our river at the bottom of the valley with untreated sewage (from whatever source) no fewer than 204 times in 2020 and 2021, for a total of 2,617 hours... that is a total of 109 days continuously!!! Unbelievable - our dogs swim and drink from there quite regularly. How can they be allowed to get away with it?!!


Did you know...

That the earth's population has recently exceeded 8 billion people.

The value of UK exports in the 12 months to October 2022 was £758.5 billion?! An increase of 21.8% on the previous 12 months! Staggering. But we're also a net importer so those figures must also be truly astounding.

That at the end of January/early Feb, there will be a once in 50,000 year chance to see a green comet...

The comet is located in the northern sky (in the northern hemisphere) near the constellation Boötes.

On the evening of Feb. 1, when C/2022 E3 (ZTF) as it's called, is passing closest to Earth (a mere 28 million miles away), it will be within the boundaries of the vague and dim constellation of Camelopardalis.” - facing north, to the left of Cassiopeia (the crooked W as I describe it)