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In 2007, New England-based environmental organization Clean Air-Cool Planet ranked Nike


among the top three companies (out of 56) in a survey of climate-friendly companies. Nike has

also been praised for its Nike Grind program, which closes the product lifecycle, by groups such as

Climate Counts.

Since 1993, Nike has worked on its Reuse-A-Shoe program. This program is Nike’s longest-run-

ning program that benefits both the environment and the community by collecting old athletic shoes

of any type in order to process and recycle them. The material that is produced is then used to help

create sports surfaces such as basketball courts, running tracks, and playgrounds.

A campaign that Nike began for Earth Day 2008 was a commercial that featured basketball star

Steve Nash wearing Nike’s Trash Talk Shoe, which had been constructed in February 2008 from

pieces of leather and synthetic leather waste from factory floors. The Trash Talk Shoe also featured

a sole composed of ground-up rubber from a shoe recycling program. Nike claims this is the first

performance basketball shoe that has been created from manufacturing waste, but it only produced

5,000 pairs for sale.

A project through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found workers were exposed

to toxic isocyanates and other chemicals in footwear factories in Thailand. In addition to inhalation,

dermal exposure was the biggest problem found. This could result in allergic reactions including

asthmatic reactions.


The type of naming strategy that Nike used is METAPHOR In greek mythology, Nike is the goddess

of victory and success and is also referred to as the winged goddess of VIctory is a metaphor for how

it people use their products they will be successful and VIctoriouslike Nike the goddess This creates

connotations of users being unstoppable and undefeatable and this kind of empowerment is what

NIke wants to spark in its target audience.


Just do it and this kind of taglines an IMPERATIVE tagline because it commands action. Just do it

campaign was launched in 1988 and it featured amateurs and athletes talking about their experiences

of working out and exercising and this inspired many people to the point where people start contact-

ing Nike and telling them stories of how they just did it-whether its quitting dead end jobs or finally

signing up in a gym. It is very straight forward and simple, but believe that is what makes it extremely

powerful. We always find ourselves busy with such day to day tasks, like due work or daily responsi-

bilities such as school and work and we always postpone doing the important things that truly matter,

such as doing what we love and following. Our passion, and this phrase just do it emphasizes the idea

of stop waiting around, stop waiting for that perfect moment because in reality there is no perfect

moment, and you just need to do it. lt evokes courage and bravery and inspires people to finally

beautitul part is that it is not only limited to exercising or doing sports, its just general and can apply

to anything. Famous designer Paul Rand once said Design is so simple, that’s why its so complicated

and I believe that Nike follows that so strictly in everything they do.