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While the safety of casino guests and staff has never been more important, maintaining the community spirit of table-game play is also top-of-mind as players come back to the casino looking for entertainment and social interaction.

That’s why AGS teamed up with Tioli Gaming to exclusively offer VisiDeal Shield player dividers, elegantly designed to shield table-game players and staff from coughs, sneezes and airborne dropletswhile maintaining an unobstructed view and keeping players and the dealer connected.

AGS began actively selling them in May, and now has an installed base of more than 1,000 at casinos across North America. According to John Hemberger, AGS’ senior VP of table products, the VisiDeal solution is enabling casino operators to have more players on each table game, while giving players the confidence to stay and play longer.

“Many of our customers who have installed VisiDeal are finding that because they provide a physical barrier to prevent infection, players feel more confident and secure in sitting at

a table game and enjoying the experience,” said Hemberger. “In addition, some jurisdictions are requiring table players to wear masks unless the Plexiglas barriers are installed; masks can become hot and uncomfortable after long periods of wear. While we certainly understand the short-term benefits these barriers provide, we also feel that VisiDeal can offer a long-term solution to keep players protected from numerous airborne illnesses that are always going to be present.”

VisiDeal Shields maintain social distance and physical separation using optically clear Plexiglas player dividers.

This enables casinos to minimize the risk of airborne exposure to COVID-19, flu or other infections while allowing eye contact and conversation to maintain the community spirit of table-game play.

Designed for two to six players on blackjack-style and poker derivative games, and for up to four players on roulette and craps games, two-piece, optically clear panel player dividers can be placed anywhere on the VisiDeal Shield.


In this difficult period due to Covid-19, we have tried to stay as close as possible to our customers around the world, supporting them with everything that could be needed for this recovery. With one eye to quality and style, always trying to give customizable and branded products, and another on the price, because in this period there is still a need to better manage resources, we have developed a whole line of protective shields for slots and tables.

V1 is our most suitable solution for slot floors. Self-supporting, without the need for additional support structures, and produced with a UV-treated transparent polycarbonate screen, it allows functional and comfortable performance. The panel can be customized with a logo and the structure with various colour finishes.

V2 is the evolution of V1, because it integrates all the specifications of V1 with the special “slide & hide” technology, to be able to extract the screen only when needed. We have tried to develop a functional but also comfortable product that doesn't hinder customers and operators.

V3 is our best seller solution, because it’s very functional for various solutions within the casino. It is certainly useful between one slot section and another but also for electronic roulette stations and live gaming tables.

V4 is our innovative solution we make for upright machines. It is fixed to the cabinet without having to puncture or damage them and without the aid of a support. It’s a product that manages to combine economy, ease of use and shipping, and efficiency.

V5 is a solution for the protection of gaming tables, black jack and baccarat, to allow customers to play live without worries. It’s an interlocking module solution that doesn’t require damaging the table nor much packing and shipping space.

We have also created a special line of polycarbonate masks for dealers, waiters and employees, ideal for those who have continuous contact with the public and need extra security, both for themselves and for the customers themselves. They come with an adjustable Velcro back attachment and CE certification.



The importance of keeping surfaces safe is at the forefront of everyone’s mind right now. Goldfinger Inc.’s infrared touch screens allow industries to build safer products by removing the need for direct skin contact for interactive displays or touchscreens. Making end-users feel safe while interacting with touchscreen applications will be an important step for industries moving forward. Being


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been an emphasis on the importance of social distancing and keeping surfaces clean. To meet this challenge head on, CasinoTrac has responded by developing an innovative solution to assist with the responsible re-opening of properties using our Dynamic Auto Social Distance (DASD) software and Clean & Disinfect (C&D) functionality.

Game availability and selection is a difficult challenge for casinos facing the prospect of shutting off half of their games to support social distancing. CasinoTrac’s DASD algorithm solves this by automatically placing adjacent games out of service when a machine is selected for play by a guest, and restoring them toservice when that player leaves. Casinos can continue to maintain a diversity of game offerings for their players by keeping all of their games in service and ensuring a player’s favorite slot machine is still available. This patent-pending feature has assisted casinos to safely re-open across Nevada, Oklahoma, Maryland, California, Washington, Iowa and the Caribbean.

Cleaning and disinfection of games between players is also an integral part of responsible re-opening procedures.

able to use Goldfinger monitors with various instruments for contact creates a safer experience for doing typical tasks that we previously took for granted.

“There is a lot of uncertainty right now for equipment manufacturers that typically require the use of skin-to-screen contact,” said Daniel Hartmann, president and CEO of Goldfinger Monitors. “Goldfinger monitors can be used with a gloved finger, a stylus or a pen and can give both manufacturers and end-users a reason to feel safe.”

Offering peace of mind, Goldfinger Inc. has been producing infrared touch screen displays for 10 years and has a track record for building monitors that last. Aside from the benefits of not having to touch the monitors, they can easily be wiped down with any recommended cleaning solution for safety without worrying about damaging the touchscreen element. Goldfinger touch screens are protected against scratches, fingerprints and other forms of cosmetic damage.

Goldfinger Inc. is the fastest growing monitor company in the United States and is renowned for its groundbreaking, innovative products with superior durability. They offer customizable touch screen monitors in an array of sizes, suitable to the amusement, gaming, kiosk, vending, digital signage, and retail and


hospitality industries.


With CasinoTrac’s added C&D functionality, staff is alerted to games that have been played. Recently played games are temporarily placed out of service until the cleaning crew finishes, inserting a special C&D card in the machines card reader to restore operations. The status of the games can be monitored on a C&D floor map, and statistics are available for management review.


Suzohapp’s Temperature-Control Access Gates from their new Personal Protection Line provide an upscale, automated temperature measurement experience for when customers enter your property. Mitigate customer displeasure with unsightly and invasive bottle-neck situations taking temperatures and make them into experiences worthy of your brand.

With a throughput of less than three seconds per entrant, these self-service gates allow for optimized entry while measuring temperatures and maintaining occupancy thresholds. Powered by a high-performance infrared thermometer and biometric system, they provide near-instant recognition processing with high accuracy. By automating


With the advent of COVID-19, it became immediately clear that we needed to take what we’ve learned as a company entry, properties can replace the expensive, time-consuming and manual process of having staff members check each customer by allowing both customers and employees to be kept at safe distances and avoiding potential confrontation by having an unbiased, automated system.

With multiple lanes of gates, entering your property can be smoother, safer and faster. Aesthetically designed for casinos with premium materials and finishes of tempered glass and stainless steel, these high-quality gates are ultra-reliable and can process thousands of entrants per day. The gates also have facial-recognition software that can integrate with various systems to provide a seamless

Larry Hodgson, VP of engineering, Incredible Technologies

Was the idea for the Universal Jumbo Edge (UJE) already under consideration before regulations dictated such sweeping changes to the casino experience, or was this thought of in the immediacy of circumstances and demand as the reality of

experience for VIPs, loyalty programs and more. about the power of unique banking configurations and the improved game earnings that come with our Edge and extrapolate that to a product that can be used not only on our games, but across the entire industry. The 2020 debut Universal Jumbo Edge was born from our history of clever innovation and the need for greater social distancing across the entire casino.


Can you explain what the UJE does, unique aspects of its design and how it still allows for a genuine gaming experience?

It’s designed to go in between slot machines on a casino floor and boasts a large, 55”, 4K display that can be positioned in either portrait or landscape mode. The display is used for custom casino-driven marketing and property videos. It also comes in two configurations, a stand-alone version (Cylinder) and a game stand top version (Base). The Base version mounts directly onto any existing standard game stand, and the Cylinder version features a beautiful curved design that can be used to fill virtually any gap between any type of gaming cabinet. In both cases, the display can be adjusted up, down, forward and backward to allow for a seamless and attractive installation.

When we heard the trend of disabling every other EGM on a casino floor to increase social distancing, we set out to provide a solution that would be more attractive, more informational and more entertaining than dormant EGMs. We want the casino experience to remain a positive one. We feel that the UJE helps provide safety without disturbing the patron’s experience; in fact, it will enhance the patron’s experience.

The UJE is just part of IT's hardware line-up. Can you detail other products that help ensure a safe gaming environment?

Our Infinity V55 Edge debuted in 2018, long before “social distancing” was part of our daily vocabulary. The V55 Edge success is attributed to its pairing with powerful games, but also the unique bank shapes we created. Bank configurations like the Sawtooth, Pinwheel and Diamond allowed for greater player spacing, thus increasing earnings on banks nationwide. Without knowing it, we created one of our COVID-19 solutions years before it was critical.

Considering the short timescale of design, production and installation, do you feel you got the formula right the first time with the UJE or were there some changes that had to be implemented before they were fit for purpose?

The UJE is an elegant solution to an industry-wide problem. Our development schedule allowed time to prototype and make any required changes. While minor adjustments may be needed as we get feedback from our customers, we are very confident that we are fit for purpose and then some.

Every focus is on maintaining a balance of retuning to business but maintaining safety precautions, but in the rush to make a viable product, some fast-track solutions might be considered. Can you explain ITs commitment to sourcing sustainable materials and robust working environments for the safety of your employees and those across the supply chain? What is ITs approach to traceability and transparency?

I can say that the UJE was designed without shortcuts in any fashion. We always strive to procure environmentally friendly components when possible for all our products. Additionally, our products are designed to be used for years and the UJE is no exception. Even post-crisis, the UJE will prove useful and remain on casino floors. An environmentally friendly product is a product that gets used for a long period of time.

Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and to our vendors is a comprehensive one. IT ceased all on-site operations at the first stages of the pandemic. Additionally, we decided to not place parts orders with vendors who remained open against contrary guidance in COVID-19 hotspots. IT employs that same spirit in good times and bad; it’s part of our DNA. Our leadership looks out for its people first. The commitment to personnel has been underscored during the pandemic and we are all grateful that safety is prioritized this year and always.