9 minute read

Fairy Tales Really Can Come True





Sisanda was adopted by a South African princess and whilst not every story has such a royal ending, Likhon iThemba advocate adoption and want the best for all children. They, like us, believe all children should have a forever home and the chance to make their own fairy tales come true.

Once upon a time, a little boy had a tragic start in life. He was horrifically abandoned when he was just a few days old.

Luckily he was found and taken to the Castle of Love and Hope. He spent a few months living there, receiving so much love and a lot of cuddles. But this wasn’t his ‘forever home’, it wasn’t where he was destined to spend his life.

Then one day, a Princess came along to take him home with her and his new brother. Little Sisanda became Prince Sisanda and we’re sure he’ll live happily ever after with his Royal Family.

Thanks to your donations we were able to provide a loan to Likhon iThemba, helping them set up a charity shop to generate income.

The shop is now generating profit which is helping to cover Likhon iThemba’s core costs to care for 6 babies like Sisanda.