6 minute read

Our Love Speaks



Sam Ben Asmah, our Building Services Supervisor, is currently the longest serving staff member at FUMCR. If you have walked the hallways of FUMCR on a Sunday morning, you have seen his smiling face and heard him say “hello” to “his family.” “My family” and “my people” are part of Sam’s vocabulary whenever he talks about FUMCR or his home country of Ghana, especially the town called Kafodzidzi. Sam grew up in what was then the tiny village of Kafodzidzi in Western Ghana. He attended the village school, which was, and still is, the only school within miles of Kafodzidzi and the surrounding areas. This school currently serves about 650 students.

Twelve years ago, Sam visited Kafodzidzi and the school, and he was distressed to see their conditions. He immediately wanted to help. He knew he couldn’t fix everything and worried that what he and his family could do would only be a “drop in the ocean.” But instead of that, Sam created the beginning of a wave of support that included partnering with FUMCR.

Sam and his family started by providing tables and chairs so that the students wouldn’t have to sit on the dirt floors as they were learning and doing their classwork. He spoke with clergy and staff at FUMCR, and the church was able to fund furnishings for classrooms and some small renovations, such as painting and repairing steps. As the partnership flourished, FUMCR and Sam’s family were able to fund even larger scale projects that culminated in adding a dining hall and building a second floor to the school building to house a computer lab and library. Most recently, FUMCR held a book drive to fill the library at Kafodzidzi. We shipped books to Ghana, and Sam flew over to deliver them to Kafodzidzi School.

The next project that FUMCR will be supporting is the building of teachers’ quarters for the school. Due to the remote location, teachers have to walk several miles or spend a lot of money on rides to get there. Having a place for teachers to live will help to recruit and retain the best teachers.

I asked Sam what motivates him to continue to support this school and this town. He said, “Now I have to preach,” and then told me two scriptures have been his guideposts in life. The first is 2 Kings 7:9:

Then they said to one another, “What we are doing is wrong. This is a day of good news; if we are silent and wait until the morning light, we will be found guilty; therefore let us go and tell the king’s household.”

Sam told me, “By God’s grace I ended up here, and I must tell of that good news to my people. I know how much they need to hear it. I want to be an encouragement to them.” The second scripture is Matthew 25:34-40:

Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Sam believes these verses lay out his obligation as a Christian. Some people see the word “obligation” as a negative, but Sam sees it as very positive – he calls it “a token of thanksgiving for his life!”

The Mi sion of Music by Caitlin Molechat and Kim O’Neil, Music Ministry

Fall 2022 was an exciting time for our children' s and youth choirs with great participation, but there

’ s always room for more! Join us and see what makes music ministry so special at FUMCR. Our choirs are open to ALL with no audition necessary. Hereto in 2023... ’ s what you can look forward

Together We Sing

Children's Choirs (preschool - 6th grade) will be singing in more worship spaces and performing their annual spring musical. The Journey Youth Choir (7th-12th grades) will continue to lead worship most Sundays at 8:45am and will practice and perform the Dessert Theater production, "Deep in the Heart," featuring songs by Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Alabama, Kacey Musgraves, and John Denver! Funds raised from Dessert Theater tickets and silent auction will support the annual summer tour, this year to Memphis and Nashville in June.

Together We Serve

Serving in worship is a priority, but so is teaching our kids and youth that serving in other ways is also important and fulfilling. We kicked off the fall writing letters of love and sunshine to the senior residents at The Wellington at Arapaho, and we went Christmas caroling there in December. We also collected supplies for Network of Community Ministries' Loads of Love. This spring, we will continue our service by collecting pet supplies and food, taking different donations each month.

Find out more at fumcr.com/music

We asked a few of our choir members what they loved most about being a part of the choir and why singing for the glory of God in worship is important.

Songs help people understand better than just words, and I like making other people happy and

giving joy. Addie Sulak - age 8

Singing in church is a different way to connect with God, and it helps to bring up a younger generation in the church.

Courtney Brugge – 12th grade

I’m kinda proud – all the moms and dads can hear

you sing about Jesus. Whitaker Sulak - age 5

I love the youth choir because I can be myself and be with friends, and I am a part of something

bigger. It uplifts me! WIll Patton – 10th grade

I’ve always loved choir because of the community. Leading in worship shows that youth believe in God and we are on a journey of faith together.

Becca Patton – 8th grade

I feel happy to share God’s glory in song. I feel like we are teaching people. Music is easier for

kids to understand. Zi Sulak - age 10

I am thankful for the opportunity to sing God’s praises. We serve as role models for younger children while we lead the congregation through song to better see and hear God.

Taylor Hopkins – 11th grade

I love to sing and feel happy to share about God in a different way than hearing someone talk.

James Hammer – age 10

I feel good when I am singing, and it is important to help sing and lead the hymns in church.

Drew Barron – 10th grade

I love the community and singing together with my friends. Choir helps us have a better connection to the worship service. Evan Gray – 11th grade

I love having a place I can look forward to each week. The choir spreads God’s word in the most touching way – through song!

Sammi Kimble – 11th grade

Deep in the Heart

A Celebration of Country, Gospel, Bluegrass, and Old Time Favorites

Presented by The Journey Youth Choir Saturday, March 4 Shows at 3pm & 7pm Silent auction prior to each show Tickets: fumcr.com/DessertTheater