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Back office

The back office has enjoyed the group’s growth, and 2022 was a fantastic year overall. The Headford Group’s expansion has resulted in the addition of a large number of new workers, new job responsibilities and opportunities for internal advancement.

We bolstered our support team in the areas of social media management, events co-ordination, data administration, sales support and accounts management. The back office has successfully implemented new software and tools to make the whole group run more smoothly, including payroll, HR and sales platforms.

The back office has played a significant role in the group’s performance and expansion, providing analytical reporting to support management plans, streamline group operations, boost leads for the sales team and support new initiatives such as FORWARDER events.

I’m immensely proud of the back-office team’s effort, passion and hard work over the past year. The back office has been an integral part of last year’s success, continuing into 2023.

Chris Tissier – Senior Operations Manager, Headford Group

headfordgroup.com +44 (0)1454 275 957 info@headfordgroup.com