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A Smarter Way to Clean Your House |House Cleaning Tips

Are you feeling overwhelmed when cleaning your house? There are many ways to clean a house. Some like to start dusting everything first, then vacuum, then mop. Some people skip on the dusting completely and have a robot vacuum pick up dirt from the ground. No matter what type of tools you use to clean a house, we all know it can be tedious.

In this guide, we will show you how to clean your house fast and what cleaning supplies and products can help you do that.


Best cleaning products for a clean house

After extensive research and trial and error over the years, there are certain things you should invest into that will make cleaning easier and save time for you to do other things. You might want to keep trying the cheaper option, hoping it would work just as good, but you will eventually realize that with price comes quality.

Dyson Cordless Vacuum

Yes, we know what you are going to say. Dyson is expensive, but it does the job better than most vacuums on the market. The V8 Motorhead Dyson Vacuum has an advanced whole machine filtration that traps 99.9 percent of particles, dust, and allergens. It gives you up to

40 minutes of run time between charges which is enough to clean the entire home, depending on the size of it.

This vacuum has a 115AW of suction power, giving the machine enough power to pull even the smallest particles off the floor and carpet. This vacuum also comes with a detachable cleaning brush, to help clean couches and small areas. On Amazon, there is a deal for this model for $409, so be sure to grab yours if you do not already have one.

Fortador Volt Mini Steam Cleaner

Over the past several years, steam cleaning has become the preferred method for cleaning and sanitizing a variety of things, including homes, offices, medical facilities and many different types of commercial businesses along with all kinds of vehicles.

Steam cleaning is environmentally friendly as you do not need additional detergents to sanitize different surfaces. With just steam, it removes up to 99.99 percent of bacteria, viruses, and germs from surfaces.

With this portable steam cleaner, you will be getting an accessory set with your purchase that includes a steam mop, with microfiber cloths, and different attachments that can be used to deep clean the floors, grout, and even upholstery.

Swiffer Dry and Wet Mop

If you do not already own a Swiffer, you have been missing out on a speed clean. By switching from a dry cloth to a damp cloth, you get a two in one deal. Want to get rid of dust but don’t want to vacuum? Use a Swiffer. Want to wipe the area where your pet made a mess? Use the damp cloth instead of taking out the bucket with water and a mop. This gadget is so easy to use, any family member can use it! Wipe any type of hard floors in just a few minutes.

The Swiffer is safe for all types of floors, so you do not have to worry about scratching anything.

Best cleaning supplies

Windex Glass cleaner

Having dirty windows can be annoying take up much of your cleaning time. Windex Glass Cleaner leaves a streak free shine on your windows and mirrors. All you have to do is spray and wipe clean any glass or windows with the appropriate microfiber cloth. This is the best cleaner for glass against its competitors and the price does not break the bank.

Mr.Siga Microfiber Cloths

Everyone needs a microfiber cloth set in order to keep their home clean. Microfiber cloths are highly absorbent that make cleaning faster and easier. From your stained coffee table to your clouded with soap shower door, a microfiber and some cleaning supplies can help you achieve a clean house. Keep in mind to not use the same microfiber cloth for everything, as different types of cloths will have different purposes

Clorox Cleaning Wipes

If your pet made a mess on the floor, or the kitchen counters became sticky all of a sudden, you do not want to spend your time getting your microfiber and an all-purpose cleaner. Clorox cleaning wipes are great for a quick clean up that require less time and are meant to be thrown out right away instead of having to wash it.

If you are not a fan of using microfibers on everything, getting a bulk of cleaning wipes will help you in cleaning most surfaces in the house (just do not use them on glass and windows if you want to avoid water spots). They keep you keep a clean home, but they also disinfect your surfaces.

Swiffer Dusters

Using microfiber towels can be annoying. You have to wet them and wash them after cleaning. If you are simply trying to dust off the stuff that has accumulated over the last few days, the Swiffer Duster is just right for that. It fits into tight spaces and can be used basically anywhere. The fluffy fibers on the dusters included are great for dust pickup.

Toilet bowl tablets

Putting these into your toilet will speed you through speed house cleaning it all the time. It only takes a second to drop them into to the bowl, but it will save you so much time.

Speed cleaning checklist


Whether it is your master bedroom or your children should be the room you want to relax and unwind. Make sure you make the bed every morning and have all the clutter put away before you leave for the day.

If you think a couple personal items left around the room instead of being put away in their designated spots will not do anything, you are wrong. It starts with t-shirt left on the drawer instead of in, hair brush on your desk and not the bathroom, and before you know it, the whole room will be filled with clutter.

Living room

If you have kids or pets, things like toys and such can create a lot of unnecessary clutter. Getting baskets for toys and blankets that usually lay around can make for a speed house cleaning easier. As well as ultimate guide to killing bed bugs with steam cleaners.


Get a habit of trying to dust at least every couple day or using a vacuum (robot of handheld) to make sure there is not too much dirt laying around all the time. With a robot vacuum, all you will have to do is press a button on your phone to make it start speed house cleaning.

If not, you or family member can take over the task. There are pros and cons of using a robot vacuum, as it can suck up unnecessary things like toys, socks, and cords laying around, so make sure to pick everything up before. With a handheld vacuum, you have more control of where you want to go over again. At the end of the day, it is a personal preference what to use.

If you have pets or children, consider vacuuming or Dustin every other day as it can get dirty fast and soon enough, you will need a very thorough cleaning to remove dirt from the floors.

Dust off surfaces

Just like hard floors, hard surfaces collect dust as well. TV units, coffee tables, countertops and etc. You should have a speed house cleaning routine of wiping these surfaces every couple of days to avoid too much dust. Dry cloth or a duster is as good as a wet microfiber towel, it depends on what you like to use.


Keeping the bathrooms tidy can be difficult. There is always a possibility of hair on the floors, scum in your bath and more, but you need to keep up with a speed house cleaning routine.


Vacuuming or dusting every day will be part of a daily speed house cleaning routine for the bathroom. This will prevent your bathrooms from looking like a mess.

Bath or shower clean up

If you do not want a scum build-up on the walls, keep a brush or a scrub close by. You might want to get an all-purpose cleaner, a glass cleaner, and microfiber towels and keep them under the sink.

Anytime you take a bath or shower, use a scrubbing brush and a cleaner to make sure there is no residue from shampoo leftover.


Dirty dishes are not meant to be stored in the kitchen sink for days. Get in the habit of putting them away as soon as you are done with a dish.


Create a cleaning schedule for your laundry. Picking one day out of the week to wash your clothes works, but if you have a family and do the laundry for them, it may take up a lot of time speed house cleaning, maybe even the whole day.

Depending on how big your loads get, pick one to three days to do your laundry. Split the laundry into color and/or types of washes your clothes will need (delicates, wool). Run your cycles as you wish and hang them up and/or put them in a dryer. When the laundry is done and the clothes are in the laundry basket, do not leave it for another day. The clothes will get wrinkled up and you will spend even more time ironing them all. A few minutes of folding are worth hours of ironing.

How to clean your house faster with a steam cleaner

A steam cleaner does not require a lot when doing its job. All you have to do is plug it in, add some water, and wait for it to heat up before you begin cleaning. Take the Volt Mini Steamer from Fortador for example, it comes with all the accessories you need for a speed house cleaning. The power of this steam cleaner is enough to clean your house spotless.

Living room

To clean the living room with the steam cleaner, you can use the mop head to steam clean the floor and carpets. The steam gun attachment can be used to clean all types of surfaces like couches, chairs, tables and etc. The steam will not only clean but also disinfect whatever areas it touches.


A steam cleaner is great for cleaning bathrooms quick. The Volt Mini steam cleaner will clean off any scum off your shower glass and bathtub. Aside from the bath, you can clean the sink and toilet with it too. Try the metal brush attachment to clean off the grime off the bathroom tiles.


Your bedroom is full of germs. The steam cleaner can help you clean off anything that your eyes cannot see. Even your mattress can be cleaned off with the steam cleaner.


The steam cleaner will help you clean even the filthiest kitchen sink. The power of the Volt Mini is strong enough to clean even the rust.

Tips to save time and make cleaning faster

Wipe down your countertops

At the end of the day, wipe the kitchen counters with a damp cloth after you have done the cooking and eating. Do the same for your bathroom countertops after you are done brushing your teeth at night,

Put away clothes from the day

As said before, stop leaving your clothes on the floor and thinking they will disappear when you wake up. If you change your clothes every day, keep a laundry basket close by, as a piece of decor or in your closet. Decide which pieces of clothing you are going to re wear and hang or fold them.

Clean up the living room

The living room is the one room that people who come in will be seeing. Throw away any clutter that is not supposed to be in the room. Pay attention to the things on your counters and tables. Junk mail that has not yet been opened? Open them or put them in the trash can.