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Make student accommodation feel like home

How you can make your student accommodation feel like your new Home



Keep it nice and tidy!

The first tip is to keep your room clean and organised all throughout your term and we know it can be tedious to do that every single day but it is key to maintaining a healthy mind and a positive attitude.

There are plenty of benefits with keeping your room organised.

An organised room helps with gaining a sense of control and stability and can help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

If you live in a small student accommodation flat or rent a bedroom in a small house, you will need to make good use of the limited space you have with some storage solutions.

You can find a large variety of stylish storage boxes in IKEA and Wilko. These small boxes are great to compartmentalise all of your belongings and make your bedroom seem a lot bigger and far more organised.

These storage boxes are available in any size or colour you want and are available with “student-friendly” prices ranging between £1 and £12.

Proper lighting!

When you first move in to your flat, you will probably end up realising that the lighting in your bedroom is gloomy and dark, or it may be bright to the point that you can’t even look (Credit: Julia M Cameron)

directly into it without turning blind in a matter of seconds.

It goes without saying that good lighting in your flat is extremely important, not only for your eyesight but to help create a sense of comfort.

So, what is the ideal type of lighting for your bedroom?

On one hand, you want a lightbulb that provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your room, while at the same time creating a suitable place where you can focus on studying for an exam or work on an assignment.

A lightbulb that provides soft white lighting to your bedroom is without a doubt what you need in order to make your new bedroom feel more personal and inviting.

Furthermore, if you want to add a more aesthetic look to your room, as well as more light, you should consider buying a brand-new desk lamp to match the colours of your bedroom.

Go Green!

A little touch of green would look amazing in your flat.

Consider buying some plants to add to your room.


Well, it looks great as a piece of decoration and there are plenty of other benefits.

Studies have proven that indoor plants can help with concentration and productivity, relieve stress, and can even boost your overall mood!

It is the perfect decoration for your bedroom, hallway, living room, or even in your bathroom!

It may seem like an odd place to have an indoor plant, but there are a lot of advantages that come with it.

Not only does it seem like your bathroom takes you to Bali in one second, but it is also a great place for plants that thrive in humidity, like a snake plant or an Alocasia.

One student, Inês Rodrigues, has told us a little bit about her favourite house plant that is a must have: “One of my favourites is called the Monstera Deliciosa or ‘Swiss cheese plant’, which I have in my bedroom back home.

“It really looks like a Swiss cheese because of the holes that naturally grow on the leaves and I love how it looks! “It really gives a minimalistic look to my bedroom.

“It does take a bit of floorspace, but I love the shadows that the arching fonds and the holes gives a room, it looks really nice; it doesn’t need too much care, all you need to do is to make sure it receives some indirect light, to remember to water it once or twice a week and keep it at room temperature.

“It can grow very tall, up to 3 metres long, I think, but if you keep it in a small pot it won’t grow too much.”

(Credit: Burst )

It just makes scents!

Everybody loves candles and everybody knows candlelight gives the most soothing, calming and romantic atmosphere to your bedroom.

It is proven that candles can help you relax and feel calm, more energised and focused on your tasks.

Scented candles can help you get rid of that weird smell that has been in your student accommodation since the day you moved in but do not know where it comes from!

Candles are also a great way to decorate your room, even when they are not lit up. Still not convinced?

Then you should try and have a romantic evening with your partner and fill your bedroom with candles and turn off your lights and see for yourself.

There are so many types of candles that you can choose from that can best suit your student accommodation.

The most common type of wax is the Paraffin wax.

It is a by-product from petroleum, and it is the most commonly used due to its high melting point.

It is the sturdiest type of wax and a lot of different colours can be added to


However, when lit, this type of candle can release some chemicals and toxins that can potentially be harmful to you and to the environment.

Other types of wax like the soy wax and the palm wax are plant-based candles.

Palm wax can burn for longer periods of time and the candle itself is biodegradable and eco-friendly.

If you do decide to get some candles, then you need to make sure you take the necessary precautions to avoid any incidents that may result in a fire.

Always put them on a heat resistance surface, away from clothes, curtains, hair, paper, and all sorts of flammable objects.

Make sure you never leave them unattended and place them in a proper holder to avoid them falling.

Some student accommodations forbid use of candles, so you should check if you are allowed to have them in your room.