4 minute read

Jessica Nash

The third Birth, Baby & Beyond Expo will be held on Sunday 30th April at the Jetty Beach House from 11am to 3pm. We had a chat with Jessica Nash, founder and coordinator of the event, about what we can expect and how this event has been growing and helping local families to build their ‘village’ and support network since it started in 2018.


How long has the Birth, Baby and Beyond Expo been running here in Coffs Harbour, and how has it evolved since its inception?

The first Birth, Baby & Beyond Expo was held in Macksville 2018 and was so well received, I was asked that it become a regular event. I created it as a way to showcase many of the services and products available to young families in the area, and as a fundraising event, raising over $700 for Little Silk Wings.

The second Expo was held in 2022, again in Macksville, and raised $1000 for Angel Gowns Australia.

I started out with just 16 stallholders in the first Expo, this year we have 45 stallholders confirmed. This will be the first year we’ve hosted the Expo in Coffs Harbour, and we’re fundraising for Tender Funerals Mid North Coast, as an extension of our support for community based bereavement services.

I coordinated the first two Expos on my own, but this year took a dose of my own medicine and created a village to support me. Rani agreed to co-host, and we’ve gathered a small team of amazing women who are helping bring this event together.

Can you tell us about where it will be held this year, and when? Is it open to the public or do you need to book?

The third Birth, Baby & Beyond Expo will be held at the Jetty Beach House, Jordan Esplanade Coffs Harbour, on Sunday April 30, from 11am to 3pm. It’s open to everyone, no need to book. Entry is by gold coin donation, or $5 a family.

Can you tell us a bit about the vendors and exhibitors who participate in the Expo, and how they support new parents and families?

We have such a range of stallholders this year, there really is something for everyone at almost every stage from preconception until the early childhood years. We’ll have midwives from the Coffs MGP program, as well as private midwives; Doulas for birth and postpartum support; maternity/birth/newborn/ family photographers; nutritional experts to support through preconception and pregnancy; breastfeeding educators, bodyworkers (chiro/osteo/masseuse/ yoga practitioners), Tresillian, Child and Family Health Nurses, baby sleep experts, placenta encapsulation, plus a range of products for babies and families.

What types of resources and information can attendees expect to find at the Expo?

The Expo is the perfect way to meet the faces behind these wonderful services, and to see just what the Coffs Coast has to offer young families. In the age of social media and online marketing so many services are lost in the void, so families may not be aware of all that’s available to them. Whether you’re trying to conceive, looking for birth or postpartum support, or services for babies and young children, you’ll be able to connect with professionals who can provide you the support you’re looking for.

What are some of the most common concerns or questions that new parents have when attending?

Honestly the loudest feedback I usually receive is ‘wow, I didn’t know we had so many services available!’, so it’s wonderful to provide women and families with options they didn’t know existed. In the past, most attendees have been looking for birth support, but families seeking postpartum support are increasing too. Modern society has done away with our villages, so it’s up to us to recreate them ourselves. There’s also often a feeling of isolation when starting or even adding to your family, and so many just don’t know what the next step is. It’s reassuring to know that no matter what the issue or concern is, there’s someone to guide you through it, and to be reminded that you’re not the only one experiencing this. Will there be any interactive activities or demonstrations that take place?

Yes, we have a number of short presentations lined up. The times and details are still being finalised and will be posted on our social media but so far we will have demonstrations/mini workshops on infant massage, self massage, birth preparation, preparing for postpartum, spinal and infant hip health, breastfeeding education, and thermomix cooking for postpartum. We are hoping also to have a sensory play session setup, as well as face painting and other activities for children. What do you hope attendees take away from coming to the Expo?

The Expo is just step 1 in creating your own modern day village. It is our hope that families will connect with the services they need, and that by getting the support they were seeking, they can continue to add to their support network as time goes on and the parenting challenges change.

What are your goals for the future of the Expo, and how do you hope to continue supporting new families and parents?

We hope to make the Expo an annual event, and maybe one day branch out into surrounding areas like Kempsey and Port Macquarie.

Finally, what advice would you give to new parents who are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the challenges of parenthood?

What’s that saying? There is nothing new under the sun. I can assure you, no matter what issues you’re facing, or whatever you’re feeling, you are absolutely not alone. The secret to not only surviving parenthood but actually thriving, is to create your village. Surround yourself with people who are cheering you on, who are willing to walk alongside you without judgement. Reaching out for support is actually a sign of strength, and can have such an impact on not only your parenting journey, but will also set a positive example for your children. Thanks Jessica.

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