9 minute read


Hunter Leonard is a man of many talents; he is a business coach, mentor, ghostwriter, speaker, author and musician. But in all of these endeavors he always strives to help others and make positive contributions to the community.

Hey Hunter, You have recently made the move up to the Coffs Coast. What brought you to the area?

Nicole and I were initially attracted by the beautiful bushland and beaches as we both love bushwalking, the environment and the sea. It is the people who are why we will stay though, as everyone has been kind and welcoming. They have time to chat and all the businesses offer great service. Coffs has everything you could want in a place to live.

You're a man of many talents as a business coach, mentor, ghostwriter, speaker, author and musician. How do you find balance and harmony between your roles?

There is an overall purpose which is living a renaissance life, defined by becoming good at multiple different pursuits. I love every activity I’m involved in, and seek to help others through these roles. Whether I’m sharing a great story with writing, or passing on some tips and advice in my business life, it is all about flowing help to others. The balance and harmony comes from doing each thing regularly and constantly improving myself in each, and I find that they benefit each other. I will write better if I’ve had a good session singing and playing music. I think the secret is just to keep creating on all, and they all lift each other.

You have inspired many but who inspires you and why?

I will write better if I’ve had a good session singing and playing music. I think the secret is just to keep creating on all, and they all lift each other.

I’m mainly inspired by people who help others rather than people with high profiles. The business owner who employs and takes responsibility for several other people and their families by providing a source of income. The mum who runs a business and takes care of her children. The local hero giving time to help in the community in some capacity.

Already a well established author of 10 books you are about to release another.

Tell us about your upcoming book Red Giraffe?

Red Giraffe is a book that will help anyone set and get their goals in life and business. It is a collection of tips and advice from my thirty-plus years in business, as well as tools from a wide range of other people that I’ve used over the years to build two successful businesses, write 10 books, learn to cook and play music and fuel my humanitarian projects. It is also a bit playful in that I’ve created a character - Reggie the Red Giraffe who also shares his tips for setting and achieving your goals.

What's the process of creating a book like Red Giraffe from start to finish?

Whether I’m writing my own book or ghostwriting for someone else, the book has to have a purpose - a reason to write it. That kicks the process off. The next is planning out the content - usually in the form of a rough chapter outline.

I will usually set myself the challenge of writing 1000 words a day for a month, which will give me a solid start on the content of the book. Each day I choose which part I feel like writing and just go for it.

Of course, after finishing the words, there is editing, getting it nicely designed and creating a cover. I self-publish so I then have a number of boring technical things like creating files, and loading them onto online bookstores. The most exciting step is the book launch where I get to share it with my customers and the world. I’ll be launching this book locally in late March or early April at Supply Cafe in Coffs Harbour.

Where did your love of writing come from?

To be honest, I really didn’t like English at school, but I’ve always loved writing. Whether it is poems or songs, articles for my businesses or short stories. I didn’t start writing full books until I was in my early 40s, and it is quite surreal to now have 10 completed. I think the passion for writing comes from the purpose which is to share something of interest or use to the reader. It’s a creative process that supports my interest in helping others. If it was just for me, I probably wouldn’t do it.

You can be found on the guitar and mic when you're not writing. Where did your passion for music come from and how does it play a role in your writing?

My first instrument - other than pots and pans at home - was a bush bass - that I played in a concert in primary school - it was made of a broom handle and a tea chest and I was hooked. I was fortunate to have an absolutely amazing music teacher in high school who inspired me and I was in both the rock band and the big band at school. I also played in a band with some mates and we semi-regularly do a school band reunion for friends. I love the aesthetics of music and have learned over 500 songs. I play an Australianmade Maton guitar which is just stunning to play.

There is a real creative connection. Playing music and singing really helps me write better. How best would you describe your style of music?

I love a lot of music including rock, pop, and folk. Anything that sounds good on an acoustic guitar. Anything from jazz to Jim Croce, John Legend, Ed Sheeran, Pink, and Fleetwood Mac - I’m constantly on the hunt for new stuff to play.

With so much already achieved, what else is on the horizon for Hunter Leonard?

My mission in life is to help others through my business, my writing and anything else I do. In one business we’re trying to contribute to an end to ageism for mature people who find it hard to get work, and, we’re planning some programs in the local area around human rights and keeping kids free of drugs. Thanks Hunter.

Can you tell us how you came into designing swimwear?

Veava first came to light mid pandemic in 2020, distracting myself from all the free time that came along with the year. I started sewing swimwear for myself and posting it on my socials and pretty much from there it hasn't stopped growing! I always wanted to start my own bikini business but I knew I had to do it differently. I researched suppliers, manufacturers and everything in between but I needed to start smaller and create a brand that fits with my values and ethos. So this is how Veava was born. You have quite the unique situation as you have taken on the “van life” way of living but also run Veava from the van itself. What drew you to this lifestyle and how do you juggle not only running the business from your van but also incorporating a sewing set up and doing the production yourself?

Vayda Maher started her brand Veava Swimwear in 2020, and it has been growing steadily since. Vayda is from the Coffs Coast but is currently living the nomadic ‘van life’ and sewing all of her creations herself out of her customised van.

I have always been intrigued with living in a van and the thought of waking up on a new beach every morning. I wanted this life to be sustainable in a way that I could continue to live like this for as long as I feel is fit. I will admit work/life balance can definitely be a struggle, but the sewing and working out of the van is the easy bit!

I designed the van from scratch when I purchased it two years ago with storage and easy accessibility to be the two biggest aspects. In the back of the van there's a pull out picnic table that is my workstation, so as long as I pull up on a flat park and can pull out the set up I am good to go.

Where does the inspiration come from when coming up with ideas for new designs?

Currently all of the fabrics are deadstock or end of roll fabrics, which simply put is the leftovers from big companies that would otherwise go to landfill. I do absolutely adore the idea of creating my own prints and I know one day soon it’ll come into fruition, but for now the deadstock creates limited runs which sometimes can create less than 10 pieces and I love creating pieces that only one person will own and cherish all the lovin’ sewn into them.

How do you approach designing for different body types and sizes?

All of my swimwear is made to order, with the options to customize anything! This is one of my proudest achievements as a small business as usually growing a size range can be incredibly challenging, and an expensive investment. I take pride in the fact that I sew every piece and therefore I’m creating a business that is very personalized and most importantly approachable! If you send us a direct message on Instagram, message the website, or talk to me at a market, you are essentially working with the manufacturer (aka myself) directly!

How do you stay up to date with the latest trends in swimwear design?

My goal with Veava is to create swimwear that doesn't necessarily flow with the current trends as I want to create pieces that will be worn for years. The word “trending” straight away feels very throw away. Spending my time working on every piece by hand brings in a new appreciation for the amount of work put into the fashion industry, but on the contrary just how fast the trends go out of style. My pieces are classic and designed to last a lifetime.

Can you walk us through a typical day for you as a swimwear designer working out of your van?

My day almost always starts with coffee and a swim, checking the direction of the wind (never thought that’d be one of my top priorities either) and finding a park up for the day.

First up emails, chatting with customers before getting into sewing up orders and extra stock for markets, if I’m hanging out at markets on the weekends I typically have a day or two slower during the week but honestly every spare second I’m not at the beach I’m sewing new pieces/ designing or searching for new deadstock. If you love what you're doing you never work a day in your life, right?

What challenges have you faced as a mobile swimwear designer, and how have you overcome them?

The biggest challenges that I’ve had to come to terms with is the lack of space. Being a one man show, was something I almost didn't think twice about as I wanted this business to be accessible anywhere and open about since day dot. I wanted girls to be able to try on my products at markets, see the face behind the brand and create a community. Starting this business small is exactly what I need, even though eventually I'd love to solely be an online store, something about a brick and mortar (home on wheels) that I just know is my season of life right now. How do you balance function and style in your designs?

I create 95% of my swimwear to be fully reversible (2 in 1!) and almost always adjustable. Swimwear is something that is quite hard to get right, every woman's body is different so swinging down the custom way and/ or making everything adjustable is the best way to know your swims will fit you in every season of life, while of course looking and feeling confident in your new swimmies.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in swimwear design?

Do your research and stick to your values. Business is hard (it's not all sewing on pretty little beaches), it's testing and a lot more work behind the scenes than you’d have imagined. If you have a good product, believe in yourself and the right people will find you! If you have faith in yourself and your product they will too! I have found that networking has been my biggest source of growth and what better way to network than being a walking/driving billboard. What's next for your brand and your work as a swimwear designer?

Coming into the cooler months I’m so excited to throw myself into the designing of new products and merchandise such as surf suits and new streetwear. Summer has been a hectic season, undergoing my first six months of full time Veava, and processing a whole rebrand. The next few months I am ready to slow down, kick back and let the creative juices flow naturally again.

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