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Staying Healthy and Well in College

Students can use their Student Health Portal to schedule appointments, review and update medical information, and submit immunization records. Staying Healthy and Well in College


Student Health Services strives to help students when they are sick, educate them on healthy lifestyle choices, and protect them through vaccination, education, and accessibility.


Free of charge:

} Routine medical care and preventive medicine } Women’s healthcare

} Health screenings } Contraceptive counseling } Referrals for specialist care } Nebulizer treatments for asthma } Uncomplicated wound care } IV fluids for rehydration } Wart care/treatment } Nutritional assessment and counseling by a registered dietitian } Health education } HIV testing using OraSure (mouth swab)

Available for nominal fee:

} Laboratory testing through Quest Lab } Physical exams (athletics, employment, work, school, and camps) } Rapid lab tests done in-house for strep, mono and flu } Pregnancy testing } Emergency contraceptive } Minor surgical procedures (i.e. laceration repair and cryotherapy) } EKGs } Immunizations: Measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A&B,

meningococcal, tetanus, Gardasil, influenza (offered seasonally)

} TB screening } Pap smears } STI testing and treatment } Dispensing of commonly prescribed medications } Dental services

} X-rays and other diagnostic testing } Specialty physicians care (i.e. obstetrics, orthopedics, etc.) } Overnight infirmary services } Allergy injections } Chronic disease management } Drug testing } Storage of prescription medications } Physical therapy } Mental health care (prescribing of ADD/ADHD medications) } Travel clinic for overseas immunization requirements


CAPS, as it is known at FGCU, is a fully accredited counseling center that offers mental health support psychotherapeutic services right on campus at no additional charge to students. All college students face challenges during their transition to college and through the college years. Most are able to work through those challenges with the support of family, friends, and mentors. However, there are times when speaking with a professional is necessary and helpful; that’s where CAPS comes in.

Students can schedule an appointment by calling (239) 590-7950. A 24/7 helpline is also available at (239) 745-EARS (3277).

Schedule time with CAPS therapy dogs!


Adaptive Services supports FGCU students by coordinating accommodations for students in order to provide equal access and opportunity for an education at FGCU. The most common accommodations, though not an exhaustive list, include: } Note-takers } Tutoring } Extended time on tests } Minimal distraction testing environment } Readers/scribes for tests } Books in alternate format } Adaptive technologies } Sign language interpreters Students in need of an accommodation(s) should reach out to Adaptive Services at 239-590-7956 or adaptive@fgcu.edu.