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Placement Preparation Financial Support

Travel & Accommodation

Accommodation for domestic students is heavily subsidised by Flinders University Rural and Remote Health SA. Refer to page 18 for exact costs. Being away from home poses different challenges for different people. One of the major challenges is financial hardship. Our priority is that the accommodation we provide be safe, secure, and accessible. By reducing this financial challenge, our hope is that each of our placement students has a greater ability to focus on learning, studying and participating in the communities they are living in.


Flinders University students studying in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences can apply for assistance with the payment of your accommodation fees and travel costs. For further information check the discipline specific pages under Essential Pre-Placement Checks. Please email any questions to cnhs.placements@flinders.edu.au

Domestic students not receiving any financial support via scholarship or funding from your own university/college, a predetermined amount to cover fuel expenses (equivalent to one return trip from Adelaide to your placement town) is able to be claimed from Flinders University Rural and Remote Health SA. Receipts are not required to be submitted.

Students from any university: if during your placement with the Aboriginal Health Wellbeing Centre you undertake any travel for work/placement purposes only, a travel reimbursement is available. You will need to complete the Student Vehicle Logbook during your placement and submit copies at the end of your placement with a completed Student Expense Reimbursement form (sections 1, 3 and 4 need to be filled in). Both the logbook and the expense form can be found at the end of this document


Refer to the Flinders University Rural and Remote Health SA website for scholarships that may assist with your rural placement. Further scholarships can be found on the main Flinders University website. Students from other universities should also check with their home university

Student Associations

Contact your university student association - they often offer financial support for students who are struggling. Flinders University students please refer to the FUSA website

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) are offering students studying an allied health degree FREE membership!

Sign up on their website today: https://sarrah.org.au/membership/individual-membership/join-as-a-student-member