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New England Rivers

It’s spawning time


As of 1 September, the targeting of Murray cod in all waterways around the New England area (except Copeton Dam) is which is only a short drive away.

Most of these species can even be targeted on the same tackle as each other. For any type of spring fishing, whether it is fishing the rivers or impoundments, I like to year as they become more abundant. Smaller style lures like the Jackall TNs, Megabass rattles, ZX Blades and Mazzy Vibes have all been very popular and work exceptionally well as both the weather and water temperatures

It’s the perfect time of the year to be walking the river banks catching chunky perch species as the weather starts warming up.

now prohibited. Please make sure you do the right thing this month and leave them alone and let

An impoundment Murray cod caught on a small lipless crankbait. At this time of year, cod are known to eat smaller lures intended for perch.

them enjoy the 3-month spawn period that will lead up until 1 December. One of the best things about the New England Tablelands, especially at this time of year as the weather starts to warm up, is the number of other species that can be targeted around the area. These are redfin perch, silver perch, golden perch, eel-tailed catfish and also bass, which can be found a bit further east of the dividing ranges, start with a medium spin rod around 7’2” matched with a 2500 size spin reel and 12lb braid with similar

size leader, give or take a few pounds in leader size depending on which waterway, and how tough the bite is at the time.

Downgrading tackle and casting smaller lures during the spring months is not only recommended to limit the cod captures being caught, but it will also increase the perch catches as well, as these smaller species seem to love any type of baitfish and shrimp at this time start to warm up heading into the spring months.

Just a reminder, waterways that hold trout are still closed for their spawn period up until the October long weekend. This can mean that a lot of the rivers and creeks that hold redfin or golden perch species, for example, still remain closed for targeting any fish. With the New England having a lot of trout waterways, it definitely pays to do some research before just grabbing the rods and heading up the river/ creek. Check the NSW DPI website or seek more local information at the time if you are unsure.

As mentioned earlier, Copeton Dam remains open all year round for targeting Murray cod so it is always a handy option to have, and spring usually sees some pretty big fish being caught. There have been many times where big Murray cod get caught on lures intended for golden perch, as well as the cod eating the golden perch once they are hooked. It’s a very exciting time of the

year with how good the impoundments and local rivers are looking of late.

Both Copeton and Pindari dams have been sitting at around full capacity for several weeks now, which can only be a good thing for fishing opportunities in the near future.

At the time of writing, Copeton Dam is currently sitting steady at around the 99% mark, with Pindari Dam’s level at full capacity (100%). The full moon will be above on the 10th of this month, with the new moon falling later on in the month, around 26 September.

Good luck to all getting out on the water this month. Enjoy the warmer weather we have at the moment, and the awesome fishing opportunities will full dams and flowing streams.

Glenlyon Dam, a short drive across the QLD border, is an awesome Impoundment that holds XL Murray cod and it’s open for targeting cod all year round.

The impoundments have been fishing well for yellowbelly this season. It’s good to have a variety of lipless crankbaits and shrimp-style blades at this time of year.