2 minute read


Cleaner water pushing through


The water quality has varied a lot recently, which has made for some interesting fishing sessions. The incoming tide has fished much better as the cleaner water has pushed through. While the outgoing, especially during bigger tides has

Capn’s Charters has been landing plenty of quality fish. Lachlan from team F.L.A.P. with a horse flathead.

Lauren with a solid flathead caught in Whalleys Gutter.

brought the dirty water along with it.

September is a great month to start targeting those big flatties out deep! As the month goes on, expect the numbers to increase along Kalinga Bank, the bar and Crusoe Island. Fishing with pillies along the deep edges or working soft plastics and vibes are your best bet. If you’d like to learn how to fish the deep then contact Capn’s Charters on Facebook or with a quick Google search. It was this time last year I was fishing with Ryan (the captain) and he pulled in five 80cm+ fish in about half an hour. The fish are going to be very fat this season and I expect some absolute monsters to be caught.

The tailor fishing has still been solid as well. I’ve seen plenty of schools working on whitebait anywhere from the Pin bar

up to Gold Bank on the shallows. There have even been a few caught further up the system as well on the incoming tide. Try using pillies or whitebait otherwise just about any lure will get hit when they’re in a feeding frenzy. My preference is small Halco Spinners but they are not overly picky.

Some cracking mulloway have made their way to the boat as well. It’s been a pretty good season for mulloway and I’ve found September to fish really well for them in the past. I love live baiting

for them with 6-7” mullet or flicking 5-6” plastics or soft vibes. If you’re lure fishing you’ve got to put in a lot of sounding hours to locate the fish. They can be hit and miss at times but it’s definitely rewarding. Kalinga Bank,

smaller 2-3.5” lures and bait. Mullet strips, white bait, cut pillies are great, and also yabbies if you are fishing shallower. Don’t forget that light leader will get you way more bites when lure fishing for them.

For fishos who enjoy comps don’t forget to check out the Flathead Classic that is running later in the month and also the bream challenge at reelitin.com.au. If you’ve ever considered entering a comp I highly recommend it, you’ll have a ton of fun and it’ll make you a better angler. All it takes sometimes is just that one fish to swim past your bait and you could be taking home first prize.

Well that’s it for me this month everyone, stay safe out there and get Jaryd from Caught on Fishing with a nice mulloway caught on a soft plastic.

Sean and Andy caught a great feed of tailor and flathead.