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Find the fish, find the action



Gleed captainkev@wildernessfishingtours.com

The past couple of months have seen the fishing improve, both offshore and in the estuaries.

With the water warming, the flathead have spread out, unlike earlier in the year where the fish were concentrated, which is great if you find them. Covering ground, whether you’re fishing with bait or lures, is the key to coming home with a feed. Fish are being caught from well upstream out into the Top Lake, and plenty of fish are being found in all areas of the Bottom Lake.

The black bream fishing has been a bit tough, but experienced locals have been getting amongst a few fish. It’s is not uncommon for the fish to keep moving. You can find them one day and they are gone the next. When searching for fish, once they have moved on, your best option is to work your way either side of where the fish were found to try to establish whether the fish are travelling clockwise or anticlockwise.

Fishing along the rock walls has been a bit slow, and once again, a lot of area needs to be covered to find the fish.

Jewfish (mulloway) have been a feature during summer, and the moon around Easter is a great time to chase this species, either with lures or bait. Yellowfin bream and sand whiting are being caught in the Bottom Lake, and the entrance area is a great place to wet a line.

Fishing the local beaches has produced a bit of variety over the past few months, with yellowfin bream and sand whiting being caught, along with the odd salmon and tailor.

The offshore fishing has been good, with tiger flathead and sand flathead being reported in good numbers, along with gummy shark. Once again, finding the fish is the key to a good day on the water, so keep on the move until fish are found. This tactic, along with an early start, should put you in with a good chance of having a great day on the water.

The local creeks and rivers have been providing some great fishing for bass over the past few months for those anglers prepared to put in the time and effort.

Looking ahead, the Easter holiday period will see the tourists return once again before we head into the quieter winter period. Unlike the far south coast of NSW, the Gippsland region can offer some of the best fishing during winter, so it’s a great time to enjoy some good fishing without the holiday crowds.