1 minute read

are biting deep all along the coast

There have been some arrow squid out there also and some small couta as well.

Close along the beaches have been some nice schools of salmon with decent sizes averaging around 3lb. There have been a lot of boats trolling for them but they have also been caught off the beaches on bait and casting lures.

Whiting have been on the go mainly on the morning change of tide or late arvo tide.

I have found it better fishing the stronger tides with the fish biting really well on fresh squid and pipis.

The cost of the pipis is getting up there now, around $17 a kilo – so I cut them in half and put a bit of squid on as well. Moving your bait a bit helps if the whiting are a bit tentative but once they get going, they have been biting fairly hard. I have been using berley to start off with but when they get going, take the berley out of the water. There are a lot of small pinkies about which love berley, so I put the berley back in if the bite slows down as it usually doesn’t take long for them to get going again.

Kingfish are normally around this time of year but so far not many reports of any action. There have been fish caught along the coast a bit, but they are still slow here.

The out reefs have been firing with great reports of bag limit catches of snapper with some fish pushing 6kg. Fresh