1 minute read

Are you one of the 89?

The Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) is responsible for monitoring and investigating fishing activities along 7,000 km of coastline and hundreds of freshwater waterways and impoundments.

The vast majority of fishers (around 89%) make it their business to do the right thing. It’s only a small percentage who break the rules.

Fisheries laws are in place to ensure fish stocks are sustainable — because we want our children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy fishing as much as we do. Enforcing these laws not only helps protect fish stocks but also the thousands of jobs that rely on them.

QBFP promotes voluntary compliance through stakeholder engagement and education, but they also look to deter illegal activity by enforcing compliance with our fisheries laws. With 100 officers located across the State, fishers can expect to be inspected at any time of the day or night — in any location.

Patrol officers conduct inspections and investigations and rule breakers can face a range of sanctions including administrative actions, Cautions and Fisheries Infringement Notices, with more serious offending dealt with through the Courts.

QBFP also works closely with other state and federal agencies, including Maritime Safety Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to deliver compliance services.

So next time you’re wetting a line with your friends or family –check the rules before we check your catch. And if you see us out and about – make sure you say g’day!

For fishing rules at your fingertips – download the free Qld Fishing 2.0 app via the App Store or Google Play.