1 minute read

Winter whiting, flathead and bream on offer

Gippsland Lakes

Brett Geddes b.geddes@bigpond.com

Winter in Gippsland means big bream and thumping flathead up the rivers. Additionally, over the last few years we have also seen the whiting continue to bite all year round. Already the signs are looking excellent for the next few months, so let’s look at the prospects ahead and some of the recent action.

Big Duskies On The Move

Right on cue, the flathead are heading up the rivers and into the western lakes areas – and they are big! First I saw them arrive at Hollands Landing in late April, with a few small 35cm fish, and then bigger models from 50-70cm quickly followed them. Historically, that is about a month early and it tells me the numbers may be much higher than usual this winter.

In recent weeks I have been hearing about even bigger flatties to 80cm moving up the Nicholson and Tambo rivers. Of greater interest are the reports of duskies to 75cm from Loch Sport and Wattle Point, and that area provides excellent shallow water action.

Simon Kindred recently headed up the North Arm at Lakes Entrance, and with just his second cast of the morning landed a 64cm flatty while walking the bank.

For those anglers who might not be aware about chasing duskies in winter, let me assure you they are not just a summer species. In fact, nearly all my Gippy Lakes flatties are caught in the cold months as by-catch when I target bream and perch.



Everyone knows about the explosion of King George whiting in the lakes over the last three years, and we have all rejoiced in their comeback. Recently I was walking the jetties at Paynesville and fishing small blades in search of bream or flathead. You can imagine my complete disbelief when after a few small bream grabbed my lure, I landed a yellowfin whiting. I have never heard of yellowfin whiting being caught by anglers in the Gippy Lakes before.

I told Matt Jenkins, who used to be a commercial fisherman, and he assured me they did indeed turn up on rare occasions, and were always big fish. My catch measured 39cm