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Consistent results for fresh salmonid fishers

Crater Lakes

Rod Shepherd one of the big guys. They have done well over the past month, catching plenty of little bows, some nice sized browns around the mid 40cm range, and Norm landed a ripper estimated to be around 6.5lb. The most successful fly patterns for them have been Shaving Brushs and an Adam’s sizes #14-16. Ralph also said there were redfin everywhere that were eager to eat their flies, with some being well over 1kg. It’s frustrating to see your fly being sucked down only to work out pretty quickly it’s another redfin.

The only summer-like weather we have seen this year came rather late in mid-February and through into March, and it was sporadic to say the least. On the bright side at least, the water levels in our many lakes haven’t dropped all that much, which means that right across the board the successful targeting of various salmonoid species has been pretty darn consistent.

Lake Bullen Merri has been fishing extremely well. As an example, one angler who was chasing Chinook salmon trolled up a thumping rainbow trout well in excess of 2kg working the edges of the western side of the lake.

Geoff Cramer has been out chasing the redfin at Moorabool. He has been catching plenty on surface lures and soft plastics, and said it’s been a matter of finding the clean water free of weed and working those areas. The redfin have been travelling in schools as they generally do, and if you can find them you can get a feed pretty quick.

Geoff said the redfin will grab your lure as soon as it hits the water. You’ll start to wind them in and when they fall off, most times the lure gets whacked again – there are that many of them, and a lot of little ones too. He has found the bigger ones to generally be out as far as you can cast. Geoff also commented that he has seen a lot of trout jumping around feasting on the dragonflies. He has had a few trout grab the Bents but unfortunately they dropped off.

Peter Voterakis has been fishing Newlyn Reservoir recently. He has bagged out on the redfin on a couple