1 minute read

Hot fishing in local estuaries


Jim McClymont mcclymont@net-tech.com.au

Round 1 of the Hobie Fishing Series, sponsored by Daiwa, has been run and won. Congratulations to Tony Pettie for taking out the round, with a total of five bream weighing 5.19kg.

Thanks should also go to all anglers who attended the event. We had several competitors in-store after their pre-fish, stocking up on lures to suit the local area and conditions. Most anglers did very well, getting their share of bream.


By all reports, the fishing in our estuary is on fire. Anglers targeting bream have been bagging out, and the fishos chasing luderick have been getting plenty also. Live prawn baits have been the go, also picking up estuary perch that are schooling on the snags and structures in both the Snowy and Brodribb rivers.

Large estuary flathead are in big numbers along the sandflats that run from the Marlo jetty all the way down to Frenchs Narrows. The same area is where the prawns gather in great numbers, awaiting the right moon and tide to make their run to the ocean. Plenty of