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BUNBURY Whiteys Tackle and Camping

Winter is definitely in full swing with the cold and wet weather, but the fishing is still hot!

Redfin perch have schooled up for winter allowing anglers to catch some cracking bags once you have located the fish. Generally they will look for the deeper areas and be schooling up waiting to spawn. Dropping lures in their face is the best way to get them to eat and any sinking lure (hardbody) or my favourite creature bait plastics. This type of plastic will replicate a small marron or gilgie, and boy, they don’t muck around and try to crush it quick smart for an easy feed. Depending on the depth required, try using a bit heavier than usual jighead around the 1/8oz size should sink down to the deeper Grant Teede with a beautiful pink snapper. They will be the target on everyone’s list this month.

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sense to stick with soft plastics or hard bodied lures. Drop in to Augusta Xtreme Outdoor Sports to find out what lures are currently getting results.

The whiting species in the river seem to have consolidated in some of the channels and sand holes that are easily seen from a small boat. Try anchoring and drifting a bait into the channel or hole. For yellowfin whiting, a moving bait will get the best results and glass shrimp or river prawns are most productive baits. There will also be schools of skippy haunting the same areas and with some in the 1kg range be prepared for a great fight on whiting gear. If you find a school try using strips of squid.

Fishing off the rocks is still very productive with big numbers of herring and skippy around, however, with the onset of the winter rains it also becomes a more dangerous affair. If it has been raining or rain is forecast then try a safer option, like off the beach, marina rockwalls or jetties. Swells and wind can make what seems like a safe location suddenly become a life or death situation. Even just slipping on a wet rock can end up with a serious injury or death. If the weather allows then choose a spot that allows you the chance to seek refuge from any king waves and don’t parts, while allowing for a natural sink to tempt on the drop as well.

Pink snapper is the story of the month with boaties reporting good size and good numbers of this sort-after fish. Traditionally the method to target them is setting the pick and getting that berley trail humming, and then just wait for the pinkies to move in. If no quality fish show up in the berley trail after 30 minutes to an hour, go set up somewhere else and try again because they can move around a fair bit even in just one day.

let calm conditions fool you into thinking you are safe. Rogue waves are just that and can quickly result in being thrown into the water. People have died here after being washed off by king waves. • Unpredictable weather can quickly affect the fishing conditions and slippery rocks are a recipe for disaster. Please remain vigilant when rock fishing; wear a life jacket and tie off to something solid. You can hire one for free from Augusta Xtreme Outdoor Sports at 66 Blackwood Avenue Augusta -the local tackle shop and font of all local fishing knowledge. Look for the big green sign on the roof, it’s right next to the BP Service Station. Cam McCamish with an impressive looking King George whiting.

with a rampaging quality fish alongside the boat.

During the cooler months pink snapper will move right in even allowing some lucky land-based anglers to tangle with these brutes. Generally, to target them land-based you need to time it – fish just before an incoming front (or during if you are super keen) and the day after. The theory is they come in to take of, with the ability to place baits out 200m, 300m or even 500m or more! Nowadays these fishing drones will fly out allowing you to watch the live camera to place the rig exactly on the spot and return home with a flick of the switch! Packed with features to automate most functions, these lucky anglers are having a blast – even the odd dhufish is getting tricked. Drone

Grant Night caught this dhuie on a plastic.

Technology is helping anglers on all fronts these days. Boaties with the latest range of electric motors are not even setting a traditional anchor but instead using the electric and its GPS tracking technology to hold you on an exact co-ordinate. This way there is no anchor to slip, and changing positions is a breeze. There’s no anchor rope to avoid when dealing advantage of the rough dirty water to stalk out an easy feed and if your baits are there at the time, hold on.

If fishing during the rougher weather is a bit crazy for you and want to fish for demersals land-based all year round, consider using a dedicated fishing drone. These impressive pieces of kit can allow you to reach places other anglers can only dream fishing has started to grow and, with the advancements with the technology, is definitely here to stay. • For any info, tips or advice on anything you have read, heard or dreamt about or to have a brag, duck into Whiteys tackle and camping, 1/143 Grand Entrance Treendale and say hello, we are always more than happy to help and love a good story! – Grant Teede