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Testing Booth: Concept Z2 Slide

13 Fishing Concept Z2 Slide

As my 10-year anniversary working for the magazine looms large, there are not too many things that I have wanted to test for the magazine but haven’t been able to. However, one has been a baitcast reel. For whatever reason (most likely others getting in before me) I haven’t put a baitcast reel through its paces.

I have used one brand of reel for all my baitcast fishing needs for over 16 years, and some of these reels are now well over 10 years old, so it is high time to test the waters and see what else is out there. The hefty 10kg drag capacity and it weighs a very light 191g.

The first interesting feature is the CZB (Concept Zero Bearing) bearing system used. My understanding is that it’s based more around a bush system, but the concept is to remove bearing failure from the reel, which is new to me. Without providing you a full replay of the marketing provided about these reels, no bearings means no components for salt, debris etc to get into, so the reel should perform without bearing-type failures for the life of the reel. That sounds like a major win for anglers.

The 13 Fishing Concept Z2 reel is quite distinctive in its look and comes with its own Skull Cap reel guard. The author chose to stick to the orange theme, matching the reel with some 30lb Sufix 832 braid in the fire camo colour.

13 Fishing Concept Z2 reel caught my eye when I saw it on Steve Morgan’s desk in the office (it was bound for the ABT BARRA tour later that year). It had a distinctive look that I liked, so off I went and bought one. That was 6 months ago and I thought now would be a perfect time to let you know what I think.

What’s in the box?

This may come across as strange, but how the reel was stored in the box impressed me. Not only was the reel protected by two pieces of foam, but it also came with its own Skull Cap reel guard. This reel is not inexpensive, so for the manufacturer to make the effort to thoroughly protect the reel in the box and to provide an ongoing option to protect it, was a great idea.

Reel features

Let’s go through the basics before getting into the real features of these reels.

The Z2 slide is available with three different retrieve ratios in Australia (RH 6.8:1,7.5:1 and LH 7.5:1) and comes in either left- or righthand retrieve. Its line capacity is approximately 120m of 12lb diameter monofilament with a

The author with a solid land-based barra caught in the Kimberley WA.

For me, the most interesting feature of this reel is the three points of adjustment the reel has to assist an angler to avoid the dreaded overrun or birds nest that stops many people less frustrating, and makes the decision to change to a heavier or lighter lure easier.

My final take

I have to say it has been an interesting and enjoyable process putting this reel through its paces over the last 6 months. The majority of my fishing would generally be based around throwing lures and spinnerbaits targeting our SE Queensland bass, golden perch and saratoga, but as options to travel interstate have opened up these options broadened to include Murray cod and barramundi.

The reel has dealt with all the lure adjustments, different species and casting requirements with aplomb, but it did take me

Another neat feature of the 13 Fishing Concept Z2 reel is the lure holder on its body. Obsessions Spinnerbaits maker Raymond Parry has also become a huge fan of the Concept Z2 reel. This is a nice golden perch he caught at Somerset Dam on his first outing using this reel.

a few outings to get used to a drag that clicks like a spin reel. The first time it occurred, I was attached to a solid bass in my kayak, I have to admit I was wondering what I had broken!

Overall I am stoked with my purchase, to the point where a number of my friends are now using the 13 Fishing Concept Z2 as well. I may have found the reel for my next 16 years of baitcast fishing.

To find out more about the 13 Fishing range of baitcast reels go to their website www.13fishing.com or check them out at your local tackle store.

from trying this type of reel.

You have your standard cast control knob and friction braking systems that you can set, however on 13 Fishing’s Z model you have an additional slide feature, which is an extra magnetic braking mechanism that allows you to increase or decrease magnetic tension on the spool using the Slide button on the top of the reel. Forward to reduce tension, back to increase tension.

As far as cast controls go, I am a set and forget type of person, which means I am relying on an educated thumb (putting tension on the spool to slow its speed when casting) to avoid the dreaded bird nest when casting into the wind or adjusting when using heavy or light lures. This can be a dangerous practice, however the Slide feature has changed this for me. The ability to adjust the reel on the fly by simply increasing or decreasing the magnetic tension has made those windy days

Yearly wrap up with the latest RAP Newsletter!

The latest edition of the “RAP Report” (DPI’s Research Angler Program newsletter) has been released looking back at the 2019/2020 season.

You can find out about great captures as well as some interesting facts and figures from this year’s frame donations.

Two kingfish originally tagged in the same location have been recaptured. The two recaptures under the Game Fish Tagging Program highlight the dynamic and variable movement patterns of this iconic sportfishing species.

The fish were originally tagged offshore of South West Rocks on the Mid North Coast by father-son duo Vic and Zane Levett. The first fish was tagged on 28 February 2020 and measured in at 87cm. Fast forward 422 days to 25 April 2021, and the fish was recaptured by Andrew Mirosch who was fishing offshore of Cape Moreton in Queensland. The king was caught in 150m of water and measured in at a solid 110cm. During its time at liberty, the fish travelled about 230 nautical miles (~425km) from the original release location. The fish had moved in a north-easterly direction.

The second fish was tagged by Vic and Zane in SWR on 15 June 2020 and originally measured 85cm. Interestingly, this king moved in the opposite direction to the fish above. The fish was recaptured on 21 November 2020 offshore of Jervis Bay by gun local angler Luke Blanch. Upon recapture, the fish measured 90cm. The fish spent 159 days at liberty and was caught more than 278 nautical miles (~510km) from its original release location.

Kingfish are highly pelagic and predatory in their nature. It is believed that their distribution and movement is influenced by biological and environmental factors including spawning, food availability, water temperature and oceanic currents.

The Game Fish Tagging Program is a great example of your fishing fees at work!

The RAP report is produced from information provided by everyday fishos like you. Your fishing successes help us to learn about fish growth and movements. Be sure to donate frames from your mulloway, snapper, kingfish, dusky flathead, blue spot flathead, pearl perch, Spanish and spotted mackerel catches.

If you’re interested in learning more, including the location of your closest drop-off points, scan the QR code or search DPI’s website for more info.

The RAP Program is another great example of your fishing fees at work! DPI got kids hook line and sinker into trout fishing at a recent Fishing Workshop, held at Deanos Spring Water Trout Hatchery near Black Mountain. It was a clear but chilly day for kids and parents to learn all things freshwater fishing.

The morning sunshine was perfect to practice knots, rigging, fly casting and learn some rules and regulations. The serious stuff got rolling in the afternoon as part of the fishing sessions when six hard fighting rainbow trout were caught and released with the assistance of our dedicated Fishcare volunteers.

Recaptured Kingies Highlight Movement Variability Rainbows A Plenty!

Workshops are held throughout the year, and whether it be freshwater or saltwater fishing, we have you covered with new locations being added to our fishing workshop calendar all the time.

Check out our fishing workshops webpage by scanning the QR code or search DPI’s website for all the info you need.
