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Secure Your Space: Fire Door Safety in India

Chaurasia, Shakti Hormann Pvt. Ltd.

In India, fire safety is a critical concern that requires a well-rounded approach to safeguard our homes. One essential aspect of this is fire door safety, which is gaining recognition as a reliable solution to prevent the spread of fire and smoke within buildings. But what are fire doors, and why are they so important? Fire doors are a vital component of passive fire protection systems, designed to resist the passage of fire and smoke for a specific period. Made of fire-resistant materials such as steel, timber, or glass and equipped with fire-resistant seals, they prevent the spread of smoke and flames.


Unfortunately, implementing fire doors in India has been challenging due to several gaps in understanding, awareness, and quality certification. To fill the gaps Fire Safe Build India (FSBI) Team interacted with M/S Shakti Hormann to provide guidelines for successful implementation. Join us as we dive into the world of fire door safety and explore how it can help secure your space and prevent tragedy. Let’s unlock the potential of fire doors and build a safer future for all. To do that, our first exercise is decoding the invention - part by part.

Fire Doors Demystified

When it comes to fire safety, there’s no room for compromise. Fire doors play a crucial role in creating valid fire compartments, which are secured from all sides to prevent the spread of flames and smoke. But what makes a fire door effective, and how do you ensure that it meets the required standards?

Shakti Hormann, has a team of professionals trained in the application of fire doors, assisting stakeholders in creating scientifically sound fire compartments. These compartments, based on the nature of occupancy, must have fire doors and windows with similar ratings. The rating of a fire door is typically defined in terms of its ability to resist fire and smoke for a specified period, ranging from 30 to 240 minutes.

Any compromise on the application of fire doors could have disastrous consequences, which is why compliance with building codes and standards is crucial. The National Building Code of India (NBC) and the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) provide guidelines for fire safety and recently published standards for fire-resistant doors in March 2021. Building owners and managers must stay informed about these regulations and standards to ensure that the fire doors in their buildings are properly installed, maintained, and effective in the event of a fire. Let’s decode the world of fire compartments and fire doors and explore their importance in fire safety and how they can help protect lives and property.

Now, Imagine a fire breaks out in your building. You need to escape to safety, but the fire is spreading quickly. This is where fire doors come in. Fire doors are an essential safety feature that can save lives in the event of a fire. But how do you know if your fire doors are up to standard?

Here are some of the key features of the latest Indian Standard for Fire Doors, 2021.

• The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has published the latest version of standards for fire doors, called IS:3614. These standards specify everything you need to know about fire doors, from construction to maintenance.

• Firstly, there’s the fire-resistance rating. This rating tells you how long a door can resist the passage of fire and smoke. The standard in India requires most fire doors to have a rating of 120 minutes, which means they can withstand fire and smoke for that amount of time. For exit staircase doors, a 30-minute insulation rating is required.

• Then there are the construction requirements. These include the materials that can be used, the minimum thickness of the material, and the maximum size and type of hardware that can be used. The standard also specifies the requirements for various fire-rated hardware such as hinges, latches, locks, and panic devices.

• But how do you know if your fire doors meet these standards? That’s where testing and certification come in. All fire doors must be tested and certified by an accredited testing laboratory to ensure they meet the fire-resistance rating specified in the standard.

• Installation and maintenance are also critical. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to ensure that the doors remain in good working condition.

• Lastly, labeling and marking are essential. All fire doors must be labeled and marked with relevant information such as the fire-resistance rating, manufacturer’s name and address, test certification number, etc.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your fire doors are up to standard and can keep you and your loved ones safe in the event of a fire.


Despite being available in India for over two decades, fire doors are still a challenge. Many people don’t know what qualifies as a fire door, and that’s where the problem lies. Luckily, there’s some good news. With the latest developments in standards and building codes, there’s been some progress in educating builders and specifiers about the importance of fire doors. However, the success of the program ultimately depends on all stakeholders. It’s not just about following the codes and standards, but about having a genuine intent to ensure the safety of everyone in the building. It’s up to us to ensure that the products used in the name of fire doors are not a compromise on life and safety.

Testing and certification can also pose some challenges in India, which can affect the overall effectiveness of fire safety measures in buildings. But by staying informed and educated about the standards and regulations, we can ensure that fire doors are properly tested, certified, installed, and maintained. It’s all about being proactive and putting in the effort to prioritize fire safety. Let’s face it, fire safety is not always at the top of our minds. Unfortunately, this lack of awareness can lead to serious consequences in the event of a fire.

One of the key challenges in ensuring fire safety is the proper testing and certification of fire doors. Due to that there are limited accredited testing laboratories in India? There are sometimes delays and increased costs. Additionally, there may be variations in testing processes across different labs, resulting in unreliable results.

Quality control is also a concern, as some fire doors may not meet required standards. Even if doors are installed and certified, proper maintenance and inspection is essential to ensure their effectiveness over time.

Improving fire safety in buildings requires a collaborative effort from various stakeholders. It’s important to create greater awareness about fire safety regulations and the importance of fire door testing and certification.

We need to work towards increasing the availability of accredited testing laboratories, and ensure that testing and certification processes are standardized across different laboratories. Improving quality control measures will also be vital in ensuring that fire doors meet required standards. By working together, we can make our buildings safer and reduce the risks associated with fires.

Understanding Fire Door Certifications

Fire safety is crucial when it comes to protecting our buildings and the people within them. However, testing and certifying fire doors can be a complex process that requires various types of documentation.

Test reports provide objective evidence of how a fire door performs under specific test conditions. They contain important information such as the fire resistance rating of the door, the type of test conducted, and any observations or comments made during the test.

Certifications are issued by a third-party certification body and confirm that a fire door meets the requirements of a particular standard or specification. This process involves testing the door and reviewing the manufacturer’s quality control processes to ensure compliance. Certifications are important as they provide assurance that a fire door has been independently tested and meets the required standards.

Assessment reports evaluate the fire resistance performance of a fire door based on various factors, such as the design, materials used, and installation details.

They are typically used for custom-made fire doors or those without a specific testing standard or certification scheme available.

While these documents serve different purposes, they are all crucial in ensuring the safety of our buildings. In India, the concept of testing and certification of fire doors is not yet a reality, and we need to work towards making it a priority.

Recently, BIS launched a new standard for marking and labeling fire doors, and Shakti Hormann became the first company in India to receive an ISI mark for a fire door. This is a positive step towards standardization and labeling for others to follow.

However, the challenge of ensuring the quality of fire doors and their effectiveness in the event of a fire still persists. We need to create awareness programs within communities and educate stakeholders such as regulators, specifiers, developers, and end-users on how to evaluate the authenticity of fire doors and the certifications they carry.

Fire safety is not something to be taken lightly, and fire doors play a crucial role in protecting lives and property. Test reports, certifications, and assessment reports are all important documents related to fire door testing and certification, providing different types of information and serving different purposes.

Standardization and marking programs are necessary steps towards ensuring the quality and reliability of fire doors. It’s up to all of us, from government agencies to building owners and managers, to prioritize fire safety and work together to ensure that our buildings are equipped with effective fire doors. By doing so, we can help prevent tragic consequences and protect the safety of our communities.