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As the 2023 School Consuls, our aim for this year is to promote an inclusive environment focusing on mutual respect and wellbeing.

Following a brilliant first full year back without lockdowns last year, in 2023 we aim to continue to strengthen connections between staff, students, and the broader Fintona community. To achieve this, we have set several key goals and focus areas embracing inclusivity, interconnectedness, wellbeing and respect.

Almost halfway through the school year, together with our fellow Senators, we have already seen the development and implementation of some wonderful activities and initiatives. We have begun tutor presented assemblies, with the Year 12 tutor groups presenting on various topics such as bullying and cultural diversity. These presentations will continue throughout the year with students in Years 9 to 12 presenting to the Senior School. In addition to providing an opportunity for inclusivity, this will also allow many students to further develop their public speaking skills.

As part of our wellbeing initiatives, we intend to celebrate ‘R U OK? Day’. This is a day dedicated to recognising mental health and acknowledging the importance of reaching out to others. To honour this day, we, along with our fellow Senators, will conduct an assembly explaining what R U OK? Day represents and the importance of mental health. We will also be arranging a lunch along with team activities to encourage students to share their own experiences and engage in reflective conversations.

Another planned project is the Year 12 legacy. The Year 12 cohort have been working to develop a project which aims to provide the School with a parting gift as a way of expressing gratitude. We have been exploring options such as donating a tree or creating a flower garden. The project also aims to establish a tradition for future Year 12 cohorts.

We are grateful for the opportunity to act as School Consuls for 2023 and to work with our fellow Senators and the Fintona community to achieve our aims and goals. We look forward to what the rest of the year will bring.

Jemima and Jessica School Consuls