33 minute read


Our New Moon in Scorpio October 25 2022 brings us all a rebirth, think of this phase or cycle being called “THE PHOENIX.” This new moon energy is all about the Birth, Death, and Rebirth, so no matter what you're going through right now, a new start is coming. This transformation is a deep one, it may lead you to crying, kicking and screaming, door slamming, and maybe even knocking some things over. However just like the cocoon may not be a beauty to watch but the butterfly that emerges definitely is. So Expect all real and raw energy and realities, nothing Superficial about this cycle !! Don’t Panic though, if it’s storming right now know that better and brighter days are coming, as these cycles and phases change so do our circumstances. I recommend you use some of this time to journal for shadow work shedding light on your dark side. These transformations may be dramatic and karmik, but it’s all a learning experience. You can repeat this cycle again or you can dig deep to reveal to heal so you can let go and grow !! This is your leaves turning from green to brown and some of them falling from the branches. Let them fall, they can’t go into the next season with you. Here are some journal prompts to help you conquer your shadow side: What makes you jealous, what is your first memory of being jealous, how did you handle it and how does it still bother you? What makes you obsessive, what do you obsess over and why, what was it that first made you possessive and how can you release that? Now we’ll get into each zodiac and how this moon phase may affect your sign.

Scorpio: For some of you, nothing is yet set in stone, this is mutable energy so expect changes. If there's a situation that you're unsure about you can make changes to it to change the outcome. Some of You may feel parts of you are under construction or perhaps some part of you should be under construction. You have the power in your hands and as the water your sign is, imagine you holding water in your hands, is it staying stuck or is it flowing through ? Visualize yourself getting everything you want, incorporating the universal laws into our daily routines. Now is also a good time for some of you to write a list of your wants, needs and disease and or create a vision board. Be more active and less lazy, be more adaptable and flexible, don't chase money, follow your dreams and the money will come.


Aquarius: This is your Public Service Announcement to always speak your truth but speak it calmly. Remember how important it is to communicate and be accepting that some people can only meet you as far as they have met themselves. Florence Scovel Shinn once said “your word is your wand” so be mindful of the words you speak because they are powerful. For some of you a certain situation that has or about to come to fruition, just laughing it off would be the best way to handle it. For some of you, your lack of attention has you missing out on things, but its up to you to continue to ignore them or not, this may be the same person that's always at your favorite coffee shop flirting but you're not paying enough attention to notice. However if you’re taking this time to regroup and evaluate what you have learned then you should also think about sharing your experiences because someone needs to hear what you have to say.

Gemini: You’ve experienced many things you didn't like so now you're making it your business to learn and experience things you do like and you definitely deserve it !! Its okay to have more fun, don’t feel guilty about it. Someone is watching you, this could be for a raise or promotion, a collaboration, partnership, friendship or relationship. If you have been working towards a new life for your children then this is your confirmation the work is paying off. For some of you doors that you thought were closed to you in the past will open back to you. Get and Stay on track, release control, let all things unfold, know that what is yours will not pass you by.

Incorporating some meditation and yoga to your daily or weekly routines will definitely contribute to your relaxation and peace. Some of you need to forgive yourself and others to release that burden that you are carrying around with you.

Libra: Some of you really need to stop second-guessing yourself, this is your reminder that your mind believes what you tell it so tell it how great and amazing you are !! Your thoughts affect your reality so if you're worrying then you will only attract more things to worry about. Some of you this is your time to find your balance, you're too often too much of one emotion not enough of the others, too much in your head or sacred parts and not enough in your heart, to much in your flesh and not enough in your soul. Pay attention to details, what adds to and or takes away from your balance and stability, what really triggers your imbalances and what are ways you think you can heal from them and let them go. Some of you need to practice saying yes to yourself so you can get use to hearing it, YES YES YES !!! Some of you need to stop being so stubborn, it's make or break time and it's time to forgive someone. Some of you need to prepare for wish fulfillment, you asked for something and you are definitely about to get exactly what you asked for !!!

Sagittarius: It is okay to be sensitive towards other people's emotions, it's okay to remain on their team and not jump to the defensive side when a play doesn't go your way. Take this time to explore your divine feminine energy, what makes your divine feminie feel at her best and what makes her feel at her worst ? This cycle is definitely your friendly reminder to be prepared for an explosion of feelings and emotions. How will you control them, how will you conquer them, or will you let them win and repeat this cycle again ? For some of you a review of your dreams, goals and intentions to reach them needs to be done. Stay focused, don’t let anyone or anything distract you. Practice more good health habits consistently and beware that one fast move will blow a fuse so be mindful of your actions and reactions.

Leo: Now is the time for some of you to ask yourself, have you been too selfish lately? Have you been going back and forth with your wants and and their wants not wanting to settle or compromise, don’t force it !! Ask yourself are you handling this situation with the needed sensitivity, if you created this situation you can create your way out of it. Don't be a baby about it, just meditate your way through it and be more open to having more fun.

Pisces: If you have been looking for a positive sign, this is probably it !! If you havent been looking for a sign then just ignore this. However this is your friendly reminder that you can create your own reality. Energies and Emotions are Rising Up and it's up to you how to use or transmute these. Will you use them for your highest and greatest good or will you allow it to be used for low vibrations? You are on the right track though, if you were unsure about it you are headed in the right direction. Make sure you are staying in alignment, if anyone or anything makes you feel like it's getting you off track then release it and let them go. Keep pushing forward because this situation is full of potential

Virgo: This is your once in a Blue Moon opportunity, your rare chance is here or approaching, know trust and believe luck is on your side. If you're feeling unlucky then manifest, meditate and affirm yourself out of that energy. This is your reminder to keep the faith and don't give up on your dreams, believe they will come true and they will. Some of you need to accept and respect that your words are powerful and come to a new understanding that many of your situations were and are because you spoke of them. Be mindful of the way you speak over you, your family and your life. Speak more of the things you want and less of the things you don’t want, altering your reality with the power of your words.

Cancer: Many of you are making progress even if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re not feeling or seeing the progression but those around you notice. Now is definitely not the time to give up on any of your endeavors, if you’re tired you can rest but don’t quit. Some of you could be more independent at this time,some things would be better done solo. Some of you have some things from the past you need to let go, there really isn't room here for it and where you’re going is even less room for the past. Don’t let this be a missed opportunity for a better future due to attachments to the past. This could be a great time for you to focus more on detachment which is a solar plexus preventing you from letting go of something or someone. Attachment is a low vibrational coping mechanism that can be healed from. Time for you to Think outside the box.

Capricorn: This is a time for many of you to Reevaluate where you are right now and where you’re going. Are you saying and doing all the things that’s getting you closer or moving you away from your goals. Focus more on clean eating, some of you may be suffering from some cold symptoms due to lack of immune system care. It’s also recommedned for some of you to add alternative therapies to your daily and nightly routines. Some of you just need to recommit to your healthy habits you were already doing. If you have been wondering if a person is reliable or not, they are so don’t be overly critical. Pay more attention to yourself and shift your mind when you find yourself over analyzing.

Aries: This just might be your sign to release and cleanse from some karmic debt. If you have been thinking about your past lives or hearing, reading or dreaming about past lives it isn’t a coincidence. Some of you may be in a karmic relationship that you have been in through many past lives, repeating the lesson until you pass and elevate from it. If this situation has become toxic and you know it but still can’t find your way to detach from it then you’ll have to dip deep within. The challenge for you may be because in past lives something shut down your solar plexus chakra causing you to carry it over and over again. However, say your way to elevate this is by pouring all your extra time and energy into your solar plexus chakra. How would you feel if instead of pouring from your cup into others you poured back into you consistently.

Taurus: Some of you like a lot of people are being called to face their shadow self of attachment and detachment. The blockage in your solar plexus could very well have started from a childhood trauma. If at times while growing up your family or kids at school made you feel unworthy, undeserving, or less confident then now is the time to heal from those things. It's recommended you communicate with your inner child, reminding and assuring younger you that you are safe, worthy, deserving and have good reasons to be confident. If someone has been making you feel like they are keeping you at arms length then this is a person you need to detach from. This is your friendly reminder you are unique and special as an earth sign you are naturally grounded and people are often bothered by your sense of security. Your “I’m always good, even when I'm not good I'm still good” mentality intimidates some people. However don't get too caught in what others think or even what you think and forget to appreciate the beauty of life.



The Holidays are always a tough time of the year for so many. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one it’s kind of hard to find that Holiday cheer that we all long for. You miss their favorite recipes whether it was grandma’s sweet potato pies, or grandpa’s fried Turkey, it just changes how that day is celebrated.

We want to let you know that it’s absolutely no deadline on grieving and it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to miss your loved ones and it’s okay to wish they were here to celebrate with you. One of the most comforting things you can do is prepare a dish that reminds you of them. You can also visit the cemetery with other family members and give homage to them and just talk to them and express how you feel. That helps aid in healing and giving you some form of peace. Never be afraid to talk to someone about how you are feeling even if it’s sharing about it on social media. Remember there is no wrong or right way to tell people how you are feeling. You will find that often on social media that someone else is feeling the same and may be able to offer comforting words. Take advantage of groups that are dedicated to those who have loss a loved one. Healing is always better with friends who understand.

Depression is very real and do not hesitate to seek help if what you are feeling is too much to handle alone.

1 PETER 5:7 AMP “Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

Remember to seek God in prayer and know that he is a very present help in times of what feels like a storm in your life.

You may feel alone but know that your ancestors are around you in spirit. Knowing this helps us to hold our head up and smile because that is what they would want you to do. They would not want you to be sad and not enjoy the Holidays. Make this season a memorable one that is filled with all the great things your loved one enjoyed around this time of the year.

What is the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)?

ERC is a stimulus program designed to help those businesses that were able to retain their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. Established by the CARES Act, it is a refundable tax credit – a grant, not a loan – that you can claim for your business. The ERC is available to both small and mid-sized businesses. It is based on qualified wages and healthcare paid to employees.

• Up to $26,000 per employee

•Available for 2020 and the first 3 quarters of 2021

•Qualify with decreased revenue or COVID event

•No limit on funding

ERC is a refundable tax credit!

How much money can you get back?

You can claim up to $5,000 per employee for 2020. For 2021, the credit can be up to $7,000 per employee per quarter!

How do you know if your business is eligible?

To qualify, your business must have been negatively impacted in either of the following ways:

A government authority required partial or full shutdown of your business during 2020 or 2021. This includes your operations being limited by commerce, inability to travel or restrictions of group meetings.

Gross receipt reduction criteria is different for 2020 and 2021, but is measured against the current quarter as compared to 2019 pre-COVID amounts.

A business can be eligible for one quarter and not another.

Initially, under the CARES Act of 2020, businesses were not able to qualify for the ERC if they had already received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan. With new legislation in 2021, employers are now eligible for both programs. The ERC, though, cannot apply to the same wages as the ones for PPP.


Photography By: Mazzucco



F O U N D E R O F T H E L I T E R A R Y L O B B Y I S T B O O K P U B L I C I T Y A N D P U B L I S H I N G C O N S U L T I N G A G E N C Y .

Written By: Keziah Preston

What an honor it is for us here at FEMI Magazine which consists of many writers, to have the opportunity to interview such a significant woman in our writers community. She advocates for storytellers, and others into writing, who want to express themselves to the world through their book. Along with her team together you will work to accomplish your goals as a writer and author. She knows that each writer is different so she takes the time to create a plan best for each individual. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Dawn Michelle Hardy and asking her a few questions. Take a look at what she shared with us.

You are currently celebrating your 20th year in book publishing. What has this journey been like for you, and what has kept you going?

Time flies when you are making an impact. Twenty years ago, I started as an assistant to a self-published author, and since then, I have impacted the writing careers of thousands of authors in their journey to releasing their first book independently, with a hybrid publisher, or the traditional route. It's been a roller coaster experience and I just keep getting back in line for another ride.

What keeps me going is that I can choose my own path. I can be as creative as I want to be and I'm always meeting new writers who are teaching me on a variety of subjects and trusting me to champion their books.

What would you say has been the hardships of starting your own book publicity and publishing consulting agency? How did you overcome those moments if any?

The hardships I've experienced are some that many entrepreneurs experience, the learning curve of building and running your own business. The responsibility of bringing in new business, servicing those clients, hiring, and managing cash flow while still learning "on the job" have all been challenging.

I didn't plan to start my business in 2004. It was my reaction to finding myself unexpectedly unemployed. The good thing for me is that I was very good at the last job I had so I used those skills to open the door and advocate for more writers of color to get their books to market.

God's grace is how I have overcome the tough seasons. My heart is big and my ambitions are plenty. I lean on God because I know I don't have all the answers.

The Holidays are just around the corner, any book recommendations from your company?


If you are looking for a children's book I would recommend Sunday Dinner by Angela Shante Johnson, The Genius of Egypt and Makeda: The Queen of Sheeba both by Marlon McKinney.

For those who love dope novels by women of color consider the historical novel, The Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson and the romance novel Vanessa Jared's Got a Man by LaQuette. If you are looking for a nice gift book for your natural hair sister friend consider My Beautiful Black Hair: 101 Natural Hair Stories from the Sisterhood by St. Clair Detrick-Jules. I also suggest gifting someone The Lineage of Love by Shyah Dickerson, it's an ode to the ancestors, and giving this book to someone is a loving act in itself.

And, if the man in your life loves sports as much as I do, check out these sports memoirs KG: A to Z: An Uncensored Encyclopedia of Life, Basketball, and Everything in Between by Kevin Garnett and Carmelo Anthony's memoir, Where Tomorrows Aren't Promised both of those are on my holiday break reading list.

What's next for you in business?

I'm preparing for launch campaigns for New Growth: The Art and Texture of Black Hair by Jasmine Cobb which publishes in December 2022, Dancing in the Darkness: Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times by Otis Moss III coming out in January 2023 and Racial Justice at Work: Practical Solutions for Systematic Change by Mary-Frances Winters and The Winters Group Team on sale February 14, 2023.

The first quarter is ripe with opportunities for black authors to promote their books during MLK weekend and through Black History month and Women's History month.

What are your plans for the Holidays and the upcoming New Year?

My holiday plans will be low-key but the perfect blend of the things I love. I'll do lots of yoga and spa treatments, and indulge in decadent food and cocktails with loved ones. The holiday is also when I get to read for leisure and begin planning my 2023 vacations. Bali, Mexico and Greece are up next.

In 2023 I am continuing with the beta program for my speakers' bureau service. Many of my clients want paid speaking engagements after their book publicity campaign is complete. I started making connections specifically with HBCUs to bring them some of my most notable black authors. I'm working to get some of my first bookings for the first quarter of the new year.

This is something that I am extremely passionate about and God is helping me find the '25th hour" in the day to get this service up and running at a level where it produces for my authors and my bottom line.

Upon reflecting back on when you first entered the media industry, what would you do differently now?

Truthfully I would have sought a mentor earlier on. At the time I started I didn't know how long I would want to work as a publicist. It was a trial. I am self-taught. I should've sought a mentor to help me navigate through the process of entrepreneurship as well as a mentor to help with learning and understanding strategic media relations. Organically I am very creative and a talker. I was a raw talent who thrived in producing grassroots campaigns. Professionally, I would've benefited from a mentor to help guide my ambitions.

Is your company accepting any new submissions?

I am always accepting new clients for publicity since books come out every week of the year. Publicity clients will automatically be considered for my beta speakers program.

What advice do you have for new authors looking to secure a publishing deal?

If you looking to secure a traditional publishing deal you must invest in a strong development editor to ensure that your idea is clear and the narrative is strong. Strong writing is the #1 way to win a literary agent over.

The second way is having a strong platform. Whatever your book's subject matter is, begin discussing and writing about the topic in public forums, and digital and broadcast platforms early. You can do this even if you are writing a novel or memoir. Proving that you have established credibility and audience engagement will help make a case for why your book should be published traditionally.

List of Awards presented to Dawn Michelle Hardy:

Phyllis Wheatley Award for Fiction African Americans on the Move

Book Club Award for Breakout Author

Independent Publishers Book Award

2017 Multicultural Fiction Medalist

USA Best Book Award for African American Fiction

New York Times Bestseller- Race & Civil Rights

PEN Literary Award-Shortlisted

Eric Hoffer Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

2010 Publicist of the Year, awarded by AAMBC

National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA)

2019 Next Generation Indie Book AwardTips

Connect on Social Media

Instagram @theliterarylobbyist


Written By: Tanisha D. Davis

FEMI MAGAZINE [Tanisha Davis]: The Holidays are just around the corner, and family plays a great part in the season. How important has it been for you to create a legacy for your family?

Jason Phillips, best known by his stage name Jadakiss, is a legendary rapper from New York. We all know him from the start of his career in the 1990s as a member of the rap trio The Lox. Outside of music, he and his family have teamed up to launch a coffee line which is said to have been 40 years in the making. Together with his father Bob Phillips and son Jaewon Phillips, they have launched Kiss Cafe.

Kiss Café is a true labor of java love. More than a brand or a company, it represents three generations of heritage and history.

We had a chance to catch up with Jadakiss and get the inside scoop about the business and products that coffee lovers around the world can get a taste of!

JADAKISS: Coming from where I come from, not a lot of us are given this type of opportunity – to build something with your father and your son. Growing up, my dad worked hard to take care of us. He’s done some incredible things in coffee. He’s achieved a lot with major brands, founded his own company. I’m proud of him for that. But, I think Kiss Cafe – a true family business – has always been a goal for him. He’s taught me a lot about the business. We shared a lot of stories and made a lot of memories through our love for coffee. He shared that with me and then we shared that with my son Jaewon. Here we are, ready to build a legacy.

The idea to start your own coffee company has been 40 years in the making, what was the process like with getting this off the ground and running?

We’re family. But, this is a business. And, we’re doing this the right way.

Working together can be challenging. The highs and the lows are bound to happen. There are some days when we get after each other. Maybe we need to grab a camera and capture some of those crazy moments. It could make for good TV!

Still, my father’s experience is unmatched. He’s established the network and the resources we need to be successful. And, Jaewon has worked closely with him the last few years – developing his own expertise in the space. We’ve got a great team behind-the-scenes in The Compound, with Lisa Goncalves and Set Free Richardson supporting our design and marketing. You combine this knowledge with our diversity across age and experience and education. We can’t lose!

You are a legend in the music industry, what made you venture off into the coffee industry? How was the idea first received by friends and family?

I feel like my father has always wanted to create something with his family.

But, this all came together after my first Verzuz battle. I had a lot to drink and a lot of people reached out to dad letting him know I needed some water. Maybe y’all can start a water line!

He pushed back and said,

“Why not coffee?” Then somebody made some knock-off t-shirts with my silhouette on them. We tried to take back the moment and actually created some coffee bag mock-ups.

Then we decided to slow down. Make this count. Make this more than a quick brand. Make this a legacy.

I love the name Kiss Cafe, and the fact that it is black owned by 3 generations of men in your family. What flavors of coffee can we expect to experience from your line?

We launched with Beijo, which means kiss in Portuguese. It’s a its medium-dark roast Arabica blend sourced from Central America. But, that’s just the beginning.

We plan to release more flavors from other regions around the world. They’ll all be called kiss, but in other languages.

Coffee is such a universal delicacy, yet not everyday do we find a black owned coffee business. What sets your brand apart from the larger competitors?

Coffee is a personal thing. Everyone drinks it differently. Two sugars. None. In the morning. At lunch. So, we’re all about being an enjoyable and accessible brand.

We want Kiss Cafe to be like me, a coffee for everyone.

What else can we expect from you in the upcoming months and into the New Year?

We’re working on identifying the right retail and experiential partners. So, you’ll start to see us show up in new and interesting places.

We’re looking at merch and accessories, like mugs. We may come out with some holiday gift boxes.

And, we’ve got several other flavors and blends in the works too. Lots more to come.

Beijo’ (kiss in Portuguese), the company’s medium-dark roast Arabica blend sourced from Central America, is available now ($14.99 USD) in whole bean and ground options. Coffee casuals and connoisseurs can find the carefully curated product at brand’s website (KissCafeCoffee.com).

Photography By: Martin Alargent


Written By: JaBraun McKenzie

It is the most wonderful time of the year when everyone is getting excited for the holiday season that has quickly crept upon us.

After a long year of working hard & balancing family amidst career obligations we start to look forward to a much deserved, relaxing Winter break. Especially with us seemingly finally coming out of the woods of a long-fought pandemic.

It's time to get back outside a bit while enjoying & exploring all that is out there to see on this wonderful planet that we get the privilege to live on called earth.

After asking a few family & friends as well as using my own ideas of what the perfect winter family vacation would look like, I have compiled a list of a few of the dream destinations that are sure to be a hit and get you booking your flights, and making those hotel & resort reservations as soon as you get done reading.

From those seeking the classically traditional winter wonderland to those wishing to escape the chilly temperatures for something warmer and exotic this list has something for everyone!

If you are anything like me, you grew up watching the television & seeing the Radio City Rockettes in New York City, the famous dance troupe that was founded in St. Louis has performed in New York since 1932 at the famed Radio City Music Hall. You might also love the tree lighting ceremony that takes place each year at Rockefeller Center.

Perhaps the big apple is surely the place you want to be during this winter traveling season. There is so much to see & do in this city such as take in a concert or event in Madison Square Garden, see a Broadway show which thankfully is open & back better than ever with such shows as MJ: the Musical & Holiday Spectaculars such as the Famed Nutcracker Ballet (beginning Nov. 25th) & A Christmas Carol (Nov.8th) (winner of 5 Tony Awards) to name a few.

You may also want to visit an Ice-skating rink such as the one also located in Rockefeller center at 600 fifth avenue. Add some tasty food and a sweet treat to cap off your evening by dashing over to Serendipity 3 to cap off your evening located at 225 E 60th St. New York, NY. It is there that you can enjoy such signature desserts as their signature Frrrozen Hot Chocolate & the S’mores Frrrozen Hot Chocolate amongst a host of other great menu items. For a great & affordable hotel accommodation, I suggest the Hard Rock Hotel New York which is rated as five stars with rooms starting at $350 a night on the website which I think is reasonable considering some other high-end options this city offers. Travel to New York City to Experience Radio City City Music Hall’s, Christmas Spectacular!

Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for Macy's Inc.

Another great winter paradise option would be Denver, Colorado. Many websites boast this city as a world class destination for things to do involving snow and ice. It offers seasonably appropriate activities such as Snowboarding, and of course Skiing, Ice Skating and Hot Springs.

You are also sure to have an amazing adventure in the Rocky Mountains, located in Colorado Springs, CO. It is one of many Great Wolf Lodge resorts. This popular franchise also has several locations all over the country including Atlanta/ LaGrange, GA., Charlotte/ Concord NC., & Dallas, Texas to name a few. Some of the popular attractions listed on the website are the Indoor Water Park, Ten Paw Alley Bowling, Howl in one Mini Golf & the Howlers Peak Ropes Course which is billed as an invigorating aerial adventure that will have you balancing on ropes, crossing bridges, & climbing through obstacles all from the safety of a climbing harness. There is a save 30% off promo right now deal with twonight stays from dates 10-15-22 / 1-13-23 ($314.99 average nightly.)

Growing up predominantly as a Florida boy, I did not feel this list would be complete without including the happiest place on earth which is Disney World of course. I have had the pleasure of going to Mickey Mouse's house a few times in my lifetime, and once during Christmas, but not as much as I would have liked to. I had a blast being a part of the Christmas Candlelight Parade when I was 17 years old and seeing the fireworks/ light display.

This year marks the magical place's 50th anniversary, so what better time to celebrate than this holiday season. Tickets will soon be available for Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party on select nights from $149 for each person ten & up & $139 for anyone age 3-9. An obvious hotel option if it is within your budget is a Disney resort. A money saving tip for this trip is that Disney plus subscribers save 20% on rooms. Some of the newest attractions include Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind roller coaster at Epcot debuts, and there is also now a Star Wars Themed hotel officially known as Star Wars: Galactic Star Cruiser.

Pigeon Forge Tennessee is also the home of another great family theme park Dollywood, which of course was created by Country Music Legend & Entrepreneur Dolly Parton. I have never personally been, but it came highly recommended by a close friend of mine. She said that she absolutely loves Tennessee & this is one of her favorite Theme Parks. For easy hotel accommodations I again recommend staying directly on the premises at either the Dollywood Dreammore Resort (rooms begin at $342) or one of the cabins such as Bear Cove Cabins (the preferred cabin company of Dollywood Parks & Resorts) among amenities are the Theme Park, Water Park, & Dinner Shows to name a few. The website also says there is a Christmas memories cabin package for Travel Dates: Nov 5, 2022 - Jan 1, 2023. Get a two-day Theme Park ticket pass for $109 which is only $20 more than a 1-day pass. Park hours from 10am-9pm.

Photo by Scott Heaney/Shutterstock)

Lastly, but certainly not least on my list of incredible family vacations, is the most tropical & warmest locale of them all. I am supposed to be taking a mission’s trip to Brazil next year with my church, so I was inspired to include it as a fun in the sun escape from the frosty temperatures here for those who may be looking for a sharp departure from some of the previously mentioned places on this list.

Ambergris Caye, Belize Brazil has white sandy beaches & it is the largest island in Belize. With direct flights from several U.S. cities including Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, & Miami. Some hotels with great ratings include the MataChica Resort & Spa starting at $210 a night with 4.7 stars review. Also try, Cocoa Beach Resort 4.6 stars $223 a night & Mahogany Bay Resort & Beach Club 4.3 $133 a night. Hotels listed are billed as allinclusive.

Popular Tourist Activities include, Snorkel the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, which is a portion of the Belize Barrier Reef known for “excellent snorkeling & diving, ” Chartering A Private Catamaran, & Diving the Great Blue Hole also located in the Belize Barrier Reef this is one of the largest underwater sinkholes in the world and one of the very popular dive sites.

I do not know about you all, but in just merely researching these family & fun filled Theme Parks, Lodges, Home of Broadway New York, NY, & the Island Oasis, my bags are already packed & I am on the phone with my nearest travel agent! As the saying goes YOLO (You Only Live Once) so please make your best attempt at living it to the fullest & exploring as much as you can. I am certainly planning to take my own advice & do the same.

I had so much fun simply writing this. Imagine how much fun it will be creating memories in these hot spots & many more after all Tis the Season to be Jolly, so let us hit the road & be Thankful for our Good Health, Families, & Loved Ones!

Image Credit: Areed145 at English Wikiped