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No Place for Racial Bigotry

Kingstree, South Carolina, ‘No Place for Racial Bigotry’

By Sr. Mary Susanne Dziedzic Felician Center Director


The Felician Sisters joined members of the Kingstree community at the June 27 gathering against racism that led them to the Kingstree Courthouse.

Recently, a disturbing incident occurred in our town of Kingstree, SC. A Caucasian local business owner used the “N” word toward an African-American woman, not knowing his phone was left on for her to hear. Understandably, the woman was very upset and reported the hateful incident to local officials.

Though the woman was deeply hurt by the use of the “N” word, she appealed to the community to pray and come together as a town not separate in color. Senator Ronnie Sabb said the word only brings back the horror of the past. “When the word is used, it’s simply not a word that falls on deaf ears. It is a word that brings about emotions that, needless to say, are more than unpleasant,” he said, adding that this is an opportunity to come together to speak with one voice that there is no place here for racial bigotry. Senator Sabb invited the community to meet on June 27 outside the courthouse. “There is an opportunity to say that’s not who we are,” he said.

Public attendees were encouraged to wear masks, to socially distance, to peacefully protest, and to denounce racism. There was no question that Sr. Mary Carol Piskor, Sr. Mary Johnna Ciezobka, and I would participate. We each carried a sign saying, “Hate Has No Home Here.”

There was some anxiety and fear, for we all know such events can be unpredictable, but on Saturday, June 27, there was much peace and joy as hundreds gathered together of all ages, faiths, and colors to unite in

the cause. There were prayers prayed and speeches made. There were songs sung and words of solidarity, forgiveness, peace, and support spoken. We were especially proud to see several Felician Center board members as well as our legal counsel, volunteers and staff, families, and children of the Learning Center from the past and the present participate. Perhaps this event, and ones like it, will get us one step closer to healing a world in need of acceptance, peace, and love. h

The Felician cenTer is a ministry of the Felician Sisters of North America serving the community of Kingstree, SC. To learn more, visit their website at feliciancentersc.org.