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Chief executive’s report

We launched new webcast and eLearning courses, a new SSA website and a new media relations strategy designed to raise the profile of local steel in the government and public eye.

Looking forward


Rising interest rates, skills shortages and carbon emission targets continue to provide challenges for the local steel industry.

With this in mind, the ASI has elevated four areas for particular focus in the coming 12 months:

1. Creating a strong and skilled steel workforce

2. Promoting a sustainable steel industry

3. Securing robust supply chains with strong local content

4. Promoting steel as the preferred building material

The board of directors strongly supports these initiatives and continues to avail itself of priority issues to help the ASI team ensure a continued strong voice for local steel.

I would like to thank the board for their continued support, input and direction on ASI’s overall work programs, and our hard-working ASI team for its strong commitment to supporting our members’ interests.

2022-23 has been an exciting, busy, progressive and dynamic year. With your support, we look forward to an even better 2023-24.

Best wishes and kind regards,

Mark Cain

Chief executive Australian Steel Institute Ltd