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Chairman’s Jottings

I am writing my second Chairman’s jottings watching snow fall in March. At home, we have just finished day 1 TB testing of the whole herd, and have our fingers crossed for a clear result in 3 days. Our last test was 6 months ago but being in an ‘Edge’ area, hopefully, our next test won’t need to be for another 12 months, with badger vaccinations recommencing in the summer.

Our year kicked off with a tour of Growing Underground in Clapham

– a vertical farm 33m below London in a former World War Two air raid shelter. The sold-out event attracted a number of new members and we all enjoyed an evening learning about farming with the latest hydroponic systems and LED technology.

More recently, we hosted our first dinner of the year, which was also sold-out – hosting 54 Under 35 members and their guests. The speaker was Club member Alasdair

Under 35s

Marshall who gave a very insightful talk on building a 23,000 head dairy farm in the Middle East (see p21).

By mid-year the Under 35s should have hosted 17 events (which must be a record in recent years) all of which I’m looking forward to.

Whether you have been a long-term Under 35s member, are newly joined, or are interested in joining, I look forward to welcoming you at the next few events (see panel below).