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FAMILY PROMISE of Greater Orlando (Family Promise) helps Central Florida homeless families achieve sustainable housing and self-suffi ciency as quickly as possible. Family Promise also recognizes that family homelessness and poverty are complex issues that require comprehensive, innovative solutions. While Family Promise adheres to a housing-fi rst approach to ending homelessness, we recognize homelessness is not just about housing. Family Promise programs work together to create a holistic approach to the crisis of family homelessness that includes three focus areas: emergency response, housing, and stabilization. Their case management services are the glue that holds everything together. Every family that enters one of the programs is assigned to a professional case manager. Many of the children and adults seeking services come to them with histories of trauma and chronic stress, which have a deep and lasting impact on individuals, families, and communities. Family Promise case managers consider the mental health consequences of trauma and how they compromise an individual’s functioning, potentially making it harder for them to parent eff ectively and to meet program expectations. Focusing on the client’s strengths, the case manager helps each family create their housing stability plan, including fi nding viable employment, daycare or school for the children, and appropriate housing and the critical support services necessary to keep the family stably housed. The best time to stop homelessness is before it happens. Family Promise provides confl ict mediation with landlords or housemates and fi nancial assistance, if necessary, to prevent or divert families from homelessness. If a family does become homeless, Family Promise provides shelter, meals, and hospitality through our unique rotational program using the facilities and volunteers of faith-based partners. Safe housing is our primary focus. Family Promise works with community partners to house homeless families rapidly, often using needbased declining rental assistance. In 2020, we assisted over 150 homeless families. Our work does not stop once a family is housed. Family Promise continues to work with families who wish to improve their economic standing and self-suffi ciency. Their core values guide programs at Family Promise: DIGNITY: Every family has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. COMMUNITY: It is critical to work in partnership with the community and provide opportunities for individuals to serve and be part of the solution for ending homelessness. SUSTAINABILITY: To eff ectively move families out of homelessness we must meet families where they are and surround them with a community of support. FUTURE: Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a stable home environment. Fannie Hillman + Associates is a proud community partner of Family Promise of Greater Orlando. Our agents and staff raised over $10,000 at our annual Patio Party by securing direct donations and topped with the company’s contribution. These funds will go directly to support those families in need in our community. To support the Family Promise of Greater Orlando or learn more about the signifi cant impact in our community, visit fporlandofl .org.

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