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Families today


Four years ago, we launched FamilyLine, a telephone and web-based service for anyone to use if they need help with family pressures.

FamilyLine provides a service that people across the country can use for a listening ear and trusted support. We have been supported by our partner LV= General Insurance to expand the availability of befriending and counselling since we started working together in 2021, meeting growing demand on the service. This work was ‘Highly Commended’ at the Charity Times Awards 2022.

148% more calls made to FamilyLine between Feb 22 and Feb 23 than in the previous year

“I felt like I was at breaking point…I was having an anxiety attack on the living room floor…But then I called FamilyLine… I could cry if I needed to, and I could honestly say whatever I was feeling.”

Creating Happy Memories

Family Action’s annual summer campaign focuses on encouraging families and friends to make happy memories.

In 2022, we focused on the important role of play in children’s development and supporting adults to overcome practical and emotional barriers to playing with the children in their lives. For the first time ever, and with the support of Fisher-Price (TM) Play Lab, we followed the campaign with a ‘Play Programme’, designed to share early years expertise, practical tips and simple activities for families to build play into the everyday

After using the Play Programme

87% of parents felt they had access to enough of the right information about how to spend good quality play time with their child, up from 50% before using the programme

“You can’t underestimate the power of play… but that power is only unlocked when we don’t try to turn play into work and instead recognise children’s instinctive curiosity and playfulness.”

Families today Family dynamics Families and poverty