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Our table was soon filled with appetisers, starting with the Pupu Platter. A signature dish ever since the first Trader Vic’s opened in Oakland in the United States, the platter included lightly-fried calamari rings, cheese rolls and chicken satay skewers with just the right amount of spice. However, the standout dish was the succulent, melt-in-the-mouth BBQ short ribs. The smoked salmon salad featured slices of the popular fish smoked inhouse in the restaurant’s famous Chinese-style oven, paired with whipped cream cheese and toasted country bread.

We then turned our attention to one of the menu’s newest additions, the Malaysian Laksa with chicken and prawns. The coconut curry broth was creamy and fragrant, boosted by the umami flavours of dried shrimp. It was one of the best, most authentic laksas I’ve eaten in Doha. If the taste is anything to go by, I’ll have to try the Malaysian and Red Thai curries on the menu next time.

After cleansing our palates with another drink, it was time for the main courses. Chef Ong recommended the Peking Duck, which had been roasted in the Chinese oven until crispy yet juicy. The succulent duck breast slices were beautifully presented with slivers of cucumber, spring onions and hoisin sauce on the side, all ready to be packed into a little parcel in a paperthin wheat pancake. It was simply delicious. There were Asian influences on the wide selection of steaks as well. The chef explained that the beef was marinated in soy sauce, which gave a delicate flavour to the Wagyu beef striploin we selected. The meat was soft and tender, pairing perfectly with crispy, roasted truffle potato wedges and Béarnaise sauce.

Trader Vic’s dessert menu selection is wide enough to satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth. Since we had difficulty choosing, we decided to go for the Dessert Sampler. A beautifully-arranged platter of four desserts and tropical fruits on ice soon appeared. The Asian influences were once again evident, as the crème brûlée was infused with a gentle pandan flavour. The special Trader Vic’s Baba cake was accompanied by fluffy Chantilly cream and orange sauce, while the chocolate fondant was rich and indulgent. But the highlight for me was the Pina Colada Cheesecake with hazelnut crumbs, pineapple and mango: a wonderful, sweet finish to a delightful evening.

It’s been 10 years since Trader Vic’s made its debut in Doha. With fantastic food, ambience and service, the popular bar and grill’s future seems assured for many more years to come.

For more information or to make a reservation, please call Trader Vic’s Doha on 4423 3225.


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