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TRAVEL Escapes

St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis, a dual-island nation, is known for its lofty mountains, luscious greenery, heavenly beaches and historic sugar plantations. The St. Kitts Scenic Railway is the best way to get a good glimpse at the island’s history and geographic beauty. The railway takes passengers on a three-hour tour circling around the island, with part of the journey on a bus. The railway was previously used to transport sugar cane from plantations to the main city. You can also see St. Kitts’ famous rainforest, crawling with vigorous verdant life and flourishing with a breadth of species. For a bird’s eye view, head to Sky Safaris and zipline on one of the Caribbean’s longest ziplines as you fly through the thicket of trees and over the Wingfield River.

A 17th-century sugar plantation estate by the same name, Wingfield Estate, is known as a historical gem on the island, with petroglyphs indicating the presence of Amerindians. Romney Manor, the house on the estate, was once owned by Sam Jefferson II, the great, great, great grandfather of Thomas Jefferson. In the 1970s, the house became a Batik enterprise, creating beautiful and vivid fabrics, which you can still see and buy today. It is also home to the island’s oldest tree, a Saman tree. Nevis is lined with colourful houses and filled with friendly faces, especially at the Artisan Village. Head down there for a stroll and some local knickknacks. The Museum of Nevis History is a must-visit, giving you an overview of the island’s heritage. Head to the Botanical Gardens to explore some fascinating plant life.

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