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Not surprisingly, the exceptional conditions of the last couple of years have affected how we inhabit our lifestyle spaces. With the dawn of 2022, you may be thinking of giving your home a facelift to welcome the new year. We’ve investigated some of the coming trends.

Minimalism has seen its ups and downs but the pandemic has brought out a new dimension of the trend. With remote working and social separation being a constant presence in our lives, traditional minimalist designs are harder to maintain. A growing demand for multifunctional spaces and versatility has encouraged a middle-ground between minimalism and maximalism, with more people allowing themselves the luxury of answering to their wants instead of simply their needs. And needs themselves have changed, especially with the onset of remote working and schooling. Homes have become not just homes, but schools, offices, gyms, study rooms and the like. With spaces needing to cater to different functions, 2022 will see every nook and cranny being utilised to meet our wants and needs.

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