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What’s on the smartphone agenda for April?

Heark Moodistory

Moodistory is a minimal-effort mood tracker with a unique design developed for users interested in tracking changes in their mood. This simple mental health and habit tracking app helps discover and track triggers for negative or positive mood shifts and helps users establish awareness about their mental health.

The app takes a simple and straightforward approach. Users are asked to rate how they are feeling using a sliding scale and to log the corresponding activities they have engaged in. After each entry, the user is prompted to type any additional notes.

Moodistory then keeps track of users’ moods over a few days, weeks or months, which they can then review on the mood calendar. Further, they can access more detailed analytics showing the average mood, the percentage of each, and how various associated activities correspond to certain moods. As per the app, knowledge is power, self-care is key!

Heark is a versatile and beneficial app that lets users effortlessly record and transcribe classes, lectures, in-person or Zoom meetings, events, podcasts, interviews or a full day. Within minutes, users can transcribe speech from various languages into text, which is available on the app or web interface. They can also translate speech from other languages directly into English. Audio and speech data is securely stored and only accessible to users. It can be protected using Google authentication.

Heark uses artificial intelligence to look for speech within recorded audio, allowing users to search through audio history by keyword and date range. The app serves as a secondary memory bank. Save unlimited audio to a private cloud storage, and download, delete, browse or send audio files using the Heark app.

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