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What We’re (Still) Talking About

Entertainment At Whose Expense? Water Garden Of Yore Signing And Singing

Netflix announced its decision to change its password sharing policy. Under it, premium and standard plan subscribers will have a primary account and be able to create up to two sub-accounts for those living outside their household. However, this will come at an extra cost, which has caused quite a stir among users. In fact, the streaming giant has already rolled out the plan in some countries such as Chile and Canada. Netflix is one of the most popular global Over The Top platforms. There’s no doubt that they’ve been doing exceptionally well profits-wise. The only explanation behind their decision can be wanting to rake in higher profits, which raises a question that’s been asked by many before us – how much is enough?

Down with capitalism, we say!

Bahrain’s beloved theme park has opened after renovation and it looks gorgeous, with assigned play areas for kids, wooden bird houses, benches, a walking space and the ducks gliding across the water... However, one does miss the Water Garden that was. Especially those of us who grew up in the '90s or even the early 2000s. Millennials will agree that we’re the last generation

Rihanna’s performance at the Super Bowl took the internet by storm. The part where the singer danced to a remixed version of her hit single Rude Boy was undoubtedly a highlight. Accompanied by equally talented backing dancers, RiRi had audiences at the stadium and at home pumped to say the least. The fact that social media is awash with users recreating her dance moves is a that enjoyed life outdoors. Those who spent their childhood in Bahrain can testify that there were limited open entertainment spaces back in the day. One of them being Water Garden where we’d go to ride the infamous Dragon Train or to dash bumper cars or simply to share popcorn packed in brown paper bags with friends. Alas! Memories are all that remain. testament to how energetic and addictive the performance was. However, there was something that surpassed this act –Rihanna’s sign language interpreter, Justina Miles. She took the song to a whole new level with her love for not just her job but also music and dance. Videos capturing some reactions from people with hearing disabilities say it all! Interesting what doing one’s job with passion can achieve.

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