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Issue 12 Spring 2023



Forty & beyond

Welcome back to F.A.B Mag Uk. The season is SPRING. It comes with lighter evenings and longer days. Its also the season of my Birthday and My daughters. Im 50 and my daughter Patsy is 30. We have planned a mini break to Paris to mark the occassion. A proper mother and daughter trip, although im not sure at times who is the parent!! I’ve even given you a little guide to dressing like a parisian on page 14.

We recently completed a charity walk in aid of The St Nicolas Hospice here in Suffolk. They cared for my mum in April of last year and it felt important to us all to say thankyou to the team there. They really are incredible. Anyway my daughter was the one with the bag of snacks, the pace setter and the one with the plasters and head torches!! She was brilliant.

This seasons cover is a showstopper and features the wonderful LUNA. Read my Q&A with Luna on page 8. We have the return of our girl in Miami Gail Gensler and our Traveling trailblazer Siobhan Daniels who has just returned from a string of book promotional tours. Along with fashion, some Easter baking and the wonderful Models of Diversity this is issue has something for everyone.

As always thank you for reading and if you would like to be featured please get in touch.

Editor Zee chats to cover star Amanda chapman-bruce.







Our girl in miami talks training clothing

Easter Bakes

Bake a beautiful Easter Bundt Cake - its easy!

My Menopause

Claire Kenny gives us her take on the menopause so far.

Our cover girl Amanda Chapman-Bruce. Gail Glenser in miami, Donna Ashworth, Siobhan Daniels, Claire Kenny, Linda Blacker and Models of Diversity and everyone who advertised this issue.

This Issue I’d like to give a special shout out to a local friend of mine Sophia Norris She is an absolute warrior and inspiration. Giving Breast cancer a big kick in the bollocks. youve got this Soph. LOVE US XX

For Advice and support contact; breastcanceruk.org. uk additional images throughout provided by unsplash.com

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