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University of Texas, Tyler

NURS 5352 Advanced health assessment test 1 with complete solution

2 / 2 pts


You are seeing a 5 year old boy in the clinic. The mother states that her son developed a small red bump on his upper lip 3 days ago, with increase in size and drainage. He has also been complaining of intense itching. Your inspection reveals crusted over vesicles with honey-colored exudate on his nares, and upper lip. Which condition is consistent with the above findings?

Drug eruption

Acne Vulgaris

Chicken Pox


SKIN/HAIR/NAILS: Impetigo causes intense pruritus, regional lymphadenopathy, and honey-colored exudative crusting as the vesicles or bullae rupture and dry. Seidel, p. 206

Question 15

2 / 2 pts

A 24 year old male is brought in to the emergency room for evaluation. He was reportedly mumbling incoherently, and telling bystanders that he hears voices of people who are following him. His physical appearance is unkempt, with poor hygiene, and he is pacing in the exam room while you are talking with him. What disorder would BEST fit this description?

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder