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University of Texas, Tyler NURS 5352 Advanced health assessment test 1 with complete solution

Basal cell carcinoma.

SKIN/HAIR/NAILS: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It occurs more frequently on sun-exposed parts of the body.


Seidel, p. 195

Question 13

2 / 2 pts

A 5-year-old child presents with discrete cloudy vesicles on an erythematous base (dew drops on a rose petal appearance) that began near her scalp and are spreading to the trunk. There are some vesicles that are umbilicated and others that are beginning to crust over. The child has a low-grade fever and feels tired. What common childhood illness is most consistent with these findings?



Acne Vulgaris.


SKIN/HAIR/NAILS: The description of this child's complaint is a varicella rash, not acne, impetigo or rubeola. Chickenpox is a highly communicable disease and can be prevented by immunization. The period of communicability lasts from 1 or 2 days before onset of the rash until all the vesicles have crusted over, which usually takes about a week.

Seidel, p. 207

Question 14