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University of Texas, Tyler

NURS 5352 Advanced health assessment test 1 with complete solution

THROAT: A smooth red tongue with a slick appearance may indicate a niacin or vitamin B12 deficiency. Oral cancer involves lesions; recent use of antibiotics can turn the tongue yellow-brown to black and hairy; and fungal infections result in slightly raised white, cream-colored, or yellow spots in the mouth. Geographic tongue has irregular areas of whitish and red areas.


Seidel, 316-317

Question 7

2 / 2 pts

Bulging of an amber tympanic membrane with decreased mobility is consistent with:

Healed tympanic membrane perforation

Impacted cerumen in the external auditory canal

Pseudomonas infection of the external auditory canal

Middle ear effusion

EAR: An amber color, with bulging of the tympanic membrane and without mobility or redness, most often indicates the presence of fluid in the middle ear.

Seidel, p. 310

Question 8

2 / 2 pts

The head and chest circumference should be about the same on a patient until what age?

6 years