4 minute read




This year has been quite something, to say the least, and I can honestly say that it was a weird, yet enjoyable experience.

Going into 2021, we all were filled with hopes for the events to come, whilst harbouring a certain fear of having to return to the situation of the previous year. However, what prevailed during - and definitely helped shape - this year, was a comforting sensation of unity and resilience in facing the challenges that had to be dealt with. This was very evident in many of the events that I participated in.

While in the first steps of organising the RS Aarau 2021, my partner, Maximilian Behrend, and our Team worked tirelessly to come up with a physical concept for the event, so as to offer our participants a somewhat normal EYP experience. Due to some developments, we were, however, forced to go digital. And - despite that - we never were dissatisfied, saddened or demoralised. On the contrary, we became more and more united; as people made contact over the screens, I was able to bear witness to new, long-lasting friendships being developed; people exchanging opinions, views and - most importantly - learning from one another. As for myself… the organising process introduced me to so many amazingly talented young people that I not only cherish as my friends, but am happy to call a part of my extended family - building ‘friendships across borders’, as they say. We created memories that I will carry with me and cherish for the rest of my life. And for that, I must truly thank everybody.

Needless to say, the whole experience went to further prove just how important the values of our Organisation are to our members, and what drove me to pursue an involvement in EYP in the first place; how young people can adapt to overcome any obstacle, if they unite; how, together, we can make a change for the better!

As for the NSC Biel 2021, I was not directly involved in the organising, however, I could still participate as the Event Safesperson, which - in a way - allowed me to take a more objective stance on what unfolded during that week. I was finally able to participate in my first physical event in about two years, which was a magical experience to say the least. The moment I arrived at the park, where Team Building took place, I was overcome with happiness and nostalgia which - at the cost of quoting myself over and over - restored all those hopes that, maybe, had lightly dwindled over that year, but never disappeared. That, and being able to finally hear someone scream “EYP, IN!” at the top of their lungs. Most importantly, however, I bore witness to the rising of a new generation of EYPers that will hopefully carry on our ideals in shaping the world of the future.

Finally, it would be hypocritical of me, if I did not thank those who truly deserve to: The people who accompanied me throughout this entire journey. So, thank you Ben, Max, Anne-Marlen, Livia, Selène, Katharina, Carina, Raya, Leo, Chris, Hannah, Yolanda, Lucy, Paula, Louise, Alonso, Samuel, Amèlie, Valèrie, Katarina, Milica, Jana, Mia, Johannes, Xavier, Miriam, Stani, Nicolas, Nina, Kate, Gioia, William, Can, Lisa, Alex, Naomi, Michèle, Pablo, Elsa and to all other members of EYP all across Europe for contributing to making this world a nicer and more beautiful place for us all!


This past year has been one of the most exciting, challenging and above all impactful times of my life.

In the beginning of 2021, the organising team of NSC Biel/Bienne 2021, which I had the privilege of being part of, was starting to grow and slowly, but surely put together an amazing session. At the same time, I was preparing for my final exams and trying to figure out what to do with my life come autumn. Doing all of this with the ever present uncertainty of a pandemic looming over us was not easy which I am sure everyone can somehow relate to.

Despite all this precariousness, two things were certain. Firstly, the fact that I would soon be done with school (yay!) and secondly, that we would, in one way or another, be having a session in September. Organising Biel/Bienne 2021 was honestly one of the most educational and enriching times in my life. I got to work with a rather small team consisting of some of the kindest, funniest, smartest and most capable people I know, some of which I consider my closest friends. I learnt so much during this process, not only organisational skills but also a huge amount about myself. Finally, September came around and our session actually physically took place! Not without its fair share of last minute emergencies and hiccups, but to be honest, EYP sessions wouldn’t be the same without them. After two years of cancelled sessions and lots of hard work going unnoticed, it was just an amazing feeling to see everything we had been planning for so long come to life. Having been in this organisation for three years now, I am in awe of how much it has changed my life. Not only has it had an immense impact on my personal development, but it has also influenced major life decisions I have had to make this year, such as what I want to study or what I even want to do with my life. But, one of my favourite things has to be going through all of it with some of my favourite people and seeing them achieve spectacular things.

Much love!