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The Charm of ANUGA Cologne 2023

• ANUGA 2023 is a combined exhibit that includes ten diverse food and beverage exhibitions.

• The worldwide conference is expected to draw close to 165,000 attendees, filling the halls of the exhibition center.


• It will bring together renowned producers, importers, distributors, suppliers, and trade agencies for food and beverages, catering technology, fresh convenience goods, and much more.

Why do you need to attend ANUGA Cologne 2023?

• ANUGA 2023, Germany, is an opportunity to bring forth your innovative ideas in front of a global audience.

• Hundreds of thousands of visitors and prospective customers will explore the newest advancements in the food and beverage business.

• Attendees can experience free samples and place orders if they like the product at Anuga 2023 Cologne.

• With thousands of industry veterans, ANUGA 2023 is the perfect stage to foster new business relationships.