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With ornate buildings, pristine quads and grand dining halls, stepping into a University of Oxford college is like stepping into another world. The students of the University come and go from their colleges every day, but these annual University occasions give you a sneak peek into student life.


In the Autumn, around midOctober, Oxford students make their way to The Sheldonian Theatre in their academic robes, or “Sub Fusc”, for ‘Matriculation’; the official ceremony welcoming new students to the University, which is performed solely in Latin.

Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, take part in a procession through Radcliffe Square and the Divinity School to the Sheldonian Theatre, where the ceremony takes place.

Hidden Gems

As the summer months draw near, you’ll see the students nervously walking toward the Examination Schools, again in their Sub Fusc robes, for their exams in June.

Also in June, glimpse the University of Oxford’s most prestigious annual ceremony, Encaenia, when the University awards honorary degrees to distinguished men and women. Some participants, including the

To celebrate the end of the University year, colleges throw extravagant balls for their students. In the summer evening breeze, see students’ ball gowns and tails fluttering as they arrive at their college balls.

In mid-summer and towards early autumn, catch the students throwing their mortarboards in the air as they celebrate their graduation!