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Real estate, both geographically and entrepreneurially, looked quite different in Peterborough, ON over 50 years ago. Two industry leaders, Sales Representative, Deanna Weaver, and Franchisee, Mary Ellen McCamus, have played pivotal roles in the community’s growth, but one thing that hasn’t changed in all that time is their respect for one another.

Deanna got licensed in 1970, spending the majority of her career with two major legacy brands, after gaining experience at several independents. Some 15 years later, Mary Ellen found real estate, but opted for ownership, opening EXIT Realty Liftlock in 1999. “I watched how her office grew and when I had dealings with her salespeople, they always spoke highly about the company and also about their Broker,” Deanna shared, not surprised in the least. She’d always seen Mary Ellen as a kind and fair person and knew she would run her company the same way. These many decades, the sentiment has been reciprocated by Mary Ellen, who traveled in similar circles with Deanna always wanting to hire her.

With such a distinguished career the reason why is understandable. In 50+ years Deanna Mary Ellen McCamus (L) has served as the local board president twice, has served on or chaired every committee with Deanna Weaver. on that board, as well as the Ontario Real Estate Board of Directors for three years, not to mention serving on the Real Estate Council of Ontario’s Board of Directors for six years. She’s well-versed in new development, and one third of a team with two young, up and coming brothers, Cameron and Jon Maxwell.

Both women share a common interest in the next generation of real estate. The fact that Mary Ellen had a young group of salespeople working with her was just one more reason Deanna was drawn to EXIT Realty Liftlock, saying, “I think it’s important to surround yourself with younger people because you can learn so much from them, their fresh ideas, their energy, and their desire to learn. The mix at EXIT is wonderful.”

A firm believer that every day you learn something new is a great day, Deanna is finally living her dream saying, “Working for a company that makes you feel special every day you come in, with people who are always there to see if you need any help, respecting what you have to say and listening to you is wonderful. Every day you learn something new, so I’ve been having many great days. What more could one ask for in their career?”