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Natasha Simon on Planting Good Seeds | Cover Story


For Natasha, integrity and the drive to be the best at all times has played a key role in her career trajectory. Moreover, her willingness to treat others the same way she expects herself to be treated has helped her stay grounded and grateful.

She exhibits integrity in her everyday life whether it be with her family, friends, or her customers. Furthermore, her faith in God has played an essential role in her successful journey. She advices others, “Always keep God irst and you cannot go wrong. HE is truly why I am such a success today. Most people seem to forget that.”

Based in Houston, Texas, Natasha also believes in the act of giving back and caring about her community. She and her team engage in mentoring for opportunities in the real estate industry. She also runs an annual gala, wherein clients can donate to a charity of their choice.

According to her, “ I believe in planting good seeds. If I plant good seeds, I am assured of reaping a good harvest.”