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Low to mid-tech AAC products and accessories, iPad keyguards and cradles, device mounting systems, Braille learning and labeling systems and a supportive community for parents and SLP’s.

Website: www.logantech.com

Location: Waterbury, CT

Contact: Sales

Phone: (866) 962-0966 can

1. Who is going to take care of your child after you are gone and where will they live?

2. How much will that care cost and how are you going to pay for that care?

3. Do you have a special needs trust and do you know how much money you will need in it? How are you going to fund it? How are the funding instruments taxed when you die?

4. What government benefits are available to your child and how do you apply for them?

5. What is the Medicaid waiver and how do you apply for it?

6. How will you communicate your plan to family members?