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Marketing Services

Our in-house marketing team are experts in marketing luxurious lifestyles. With more than 20 years of experience, our marketing team creates a tailored marketing proposal for each individual yacht.

Based in Newport Beach and Park City, combined with our specialists in PR in our New York, we create a highly-targeted digital marketing strategies for our clients. From specialized marketing pieces sent to yacht brokers nationwide, to our active list of potential buyers, to digital campaigns through google and social media, our marketing ensures we attract the right audience through every channel possible.


To successfully target our predetermined audience, we maximize the exposure through as many channels as possible. Our main focus our digital marketing will be digital ads on Google, YouTube, and Instagram. Those three platforms are the most effective channels to reach our specific buyer group. Ads will be set targeting location and demographics.

An integral part of our marketing strategy to expose yachting to potential buyers is our print marketing. We select publications that address to a very affluent readership, and shares similar values.