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You don't expect your phone's headphone jack to fail easily because it is built to handle thousands of entries. However, there may be times when you cannot hear audio from the earphones connected to the headphone jack, or when static interferes with your sound experience. If you are unable to resolve these issues on your own and need professional mobile phonerepairinWarrington, UK then contact Everything Mobile Limited right away.


Check The Headphones

There's a chance that nothing is wrong with your smartphone's headphone jack, but the real problem could be with the 3.5mm port that connects to it — aka the headphones. To determine whether the headphone is the real culprit, simply plug it into another smartphone or media device and listen to the audio. If you still can't seem to hear any sound, the problem could be with the headphones; however, if the headphones appear to work properly, move on to the real ways of fixing the headphone jack.